Lawfare News

21st Annual National Security Law Institute (UVA, June 2-14)

Robert Chesney
Thursday, April 4, 2013, 11:13 AM
Every year I try to draw particular attention to this terrific event, and for good reason:  it is a wonderful occasion to take a deep dive into an array of topics that will interest any member of the listserv, in the company of an invariably-fascinating group of fellow participants from all sorts of professional and national backgrounds.  Please note that this is not just for law professors: government officials, professors from other disciplines, all sorts of other profiles are typically there as well.  More information appears below (full disclosure: I am one of the folks who lectures as par

Published by The Lawfare Institute
in Cooperation With

Every year I try to draw particular attention to this terrific event, and for good reason:  it is a wonderful occasion to take a deep dive into an array of topics that will interest any member of the listserv, in the company of an invariably-fascinating group of fellow participants from all sorts of professional and national backgrounds.  Please note that this is not just for law professors: government officials, professors from other disciplines, all sorts of other profiles are typically there as well.  More information appears below (full disclosure: I am one of the folks who lectures as part of this institute):

Center for National Security Law

University of Virginia School of Law

Charlottesville, VA 22903



(June 2-14, 2013)

The Center for National Security Law at the University of Virginia School of Law announces that there are still spaces available for the 21st National Security Law Institute, a highly regarded, two-week training program that will be held at the Law School in Charlottesville from Sunday, June 2, until Friday, June 14.   The Institute is open to professors of law and related disciplines, as well as to government attorneys with national security law responsibilities.  Professors and attorneys from foreign nations on six continents have taken part in the Institute since it was founded in 1991. A distinguished group of national security professionals will again provide instruction during the program, including:
  • Former Director of Central Intelligence, the Honorable R. James Woolsey;
  • Former National Security Council Legal Adviser and currently Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Services, the Honorable James E. Baker;
  • Former National Security Agency General Counsel and Assistant Secretary for Homeland Security Policy, the Honorable Stewart Baker;
  • Former Deputy Judge Advocate General of the Air Force and currently Director of the Center on Law, Ethics, and National Security at Duke University School of Law, Major General Charles Dunlap;
  • The Legal Counsel to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Brigadier General Richard C. Gross;
  • The founder of the academic discipline of National Security Law, who has been teaching the subject since 1969, Professor John Norton Moore;
  • Former Acting General Counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency, John Rizzo;
  • The Charles I. Francis Professor in Law at the University of Texas School of Law, Robert M. Chesney;
  • Georgetown Law Center Professor Laura Donohue, of the Center for National Security and Law;
  • Many other leading authorities from the academic community, and/or with backgrounds in the Pentagon, the FBI, the Army Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School, the Naval War College, and elsewhere.
This summer’s Institute will include an enhanced emphasis on cyber issues, along with the more traditional coverage of war and peace theory, the constitutional separation of national security powers, intelligence community law, domestic and international terrorism, international organized crime, the law of war (jus ad bellum and jus in bello), war crimes, piracy, treaty powers, and many other subjects. For further information about the Institute, visit the Institute’s web page at:

or contact the Center at:

Center for National Security Law

University of Virginia School of Law

580 Massie Road

Charlottesville, VA 22903-1738


(434) 924-4083

fax: (434) 924-7362



                        “The University of Virginia’s Center for National Security Law stands as one of the Nation’s premier institutes of its kind, not just because of its exceptional academic excellence, but also because of the unique way it connects practitioners, academics, and scholars from other disciplines, particularly through its National Security Law Institute.  It has made a huge difference in my career, and I know the same can be said of several generations of national security law devotees of every kind.  It is a very special national asset that has made enormous contributions to the field, and it well deserves the highest accolades on its accomplishments.”

—   Maj. Gen. Charles Dunlap, Jr. (USAF Ret.)

Director, Center for Law, Ethics, and National Security

Duke University School of Law; former Deputy Judge Advocate General, U.S. Air Force; graduate and frequent lecturer, National Security Law Institute (shown above lecturing to the 17th Institute).

Robert (Bobby) Chesney is the Dean of the University of Texas School of Law, where he also holds the James A. Baker III Chair in the Rule of Law and World Affairs at UT. He is known internationally for his scholarship relating both to cybersecurity and national security. He is a co-founder of Lawfare, the nation’s leading online source for analysis of national security legal issues, and he co-hosts the popular show The National Security Law Podcast.

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