The Cyberlaw Podcast: Ten Pounds of Cyberlaw in a Five-pound Sack
The Week That Will Be
Lawfare's weekly roundup of event announcements and employment opportunities. -
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion. -
The Lawfare Podcast: Bart Gellman on Trump's Next Coup
Securing U.S. Democracy
If the United States intends to address the lure of authoritarianism domestically, it should devote deliberate attention to making the American people safer at home. -
TechTank: Taylor Lorenz on Gen Z, Influencer Culture and the Future of Social Media
Responding to Fischerkeller on Initiative Persistence
The U.S. may be justified in seeking to contain China’s aggression and search for dominance in cyberspace with the 2018 USCC Command Vision. But it has yet to square this with a willingness to accept sim... -
Anticipating Future Directions of Tech-Enabled Terror
Counterterrorism experts need to get ahead of the curve of terrorist innovation with new, commercially-available products. -
What's the Deal with the Log4Shell Security Nightmare?
The details behind a massive cyber problem. -
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion. -
The Lawfare Podcast: Uncovering a Secret U.S. Airstrike in Syria
On the Report of the Aspen Commission on Information Disorder
Here are some of the key takeaways from the Aspen Institute’s recent report on the dangers of information disorder—and a few additional suggestions. -
China Again Uses Force to Bully Its Neighbors
Continued Chinese interference with the resupply of the Sierra Madre contingent could have unintended consequences that destabilize the region and potentially result in an international armed conflict. -
Tenth Circuit Upholds Conviction On Evidence Gathered Under Section 702 of FISA
On Dec. 8, the Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit upheld the conviction of an Uzbek immigrant that relied on information obtained through warrantless foreign intelligence surveillance. -
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion. -
The Lawfare Podcast: Content Moderation’s Original ‘Decider’
Lawfare Live: Barton Gellman on How Donald Trump Could Subvert the 2024 Election
Become a supporter on Patreon to attend our weekly live show. This week features Bart Gellman to discuss his recent article for The Atlantic, "Trump's Next Coup Has Already Begun." -
The Chatter Podcast: The Truth and Fiction of Life Inside the CIA with David McCloskey
Federalism and Coronavirus Vaccination Mandates for Military Personnel
The governor of Oklahoma recently asserted the right to exempt the National Guard of his state from receiving the coronavirus vaccine, raising unique legal questions in the process. -
China Wants to Join Southeast Asia’s Nuclear-Free Zone. Why Now?
In November, China’s President Xi Jinping announced that China is prepared to sign the 1995 Bangkok Treaty, joining the ASEAN nuclear-free zone. Why now?
More Articles
The Situation: Unilateral Disarmament in the Information Wars
It’s easy to understand why Trump is destroying Voice of America. -
The Narrative Purpose of Climate Change Litigation
Why the highly coveted courtroom win is not the only path to victory for climate case campaigners. -
Escalation: A Podcast History of U.S.-Ukraine Relations Event
Watch the discussion.