ChinaTalk: Selling China's Story
ChinaTalk: Red Roulette: It Sucks to be a Chinese Billionaire
ChinaTalk: Why Does China Have Blackouts?
ChinaTalk: Science & Technology for National Security
A Gig Surveillance Economy
What are the legal and policy questions raised by gig surveillance work? -
Counterterrorism Successes Against Foreign Fighters
Foreign fighters remain a powerful jihadist force worth understanding. -
The National Security Law Podcast: Behold, Our Q4 Episode
OSC Finds 13 Senior Trump Officials Violated Hatch Act During 2020 Presidential Campaign
The Office of Special Counsel released a report outlining their investigation of political activities by senior Trump administration officials leading up to the presidential election. -
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion. -
Lawfare No Bull: Supreme Court hears FBI v. Fazaga
The Lawfare Podcast: America, China and the Tragedy of Great-Power Politics
The Cyberlaw Podcast: NSO on the Hot Seat
How Facebook’s Outage Could Shape Public Preferences on Cybersecurity Policy
What can public opinion polling tell us about public perceptions of cybersecurity? -
Ninth Circuit Rejects NSO Group’s Motion to Dismiss WhatsApp Suit
Lawfare Live: Roger Parloff on the Criminal Prosecutions of Jan. 6 Capitol Rioters
Join us for a discussion on criminal cases related to Jan. 6. -
The Way Forward on Congressional Subpoena Reform
A bill before the House could give Congress what it needs in its conflicts with the executive branch while acknowledging executive branch prerogatives and broader constitutional traditions. -
The Week That Will Be
Lawfare's weekly roundup of event announcements and employment opportunities. -
The Law of Individual Disqualification in a Democracy
The Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol has raised questions on whether consequences should be imposed on any of the elected officials responsible. A comparative analysis of the methods of discipline against po... -
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion. -
The Lawfare Podcast: Ambassador Doug Silliman on What's Next in U.S.-Iraq Relations
More Articles
The ‘Pacific Rim’ Campaign: Corporate Norm Entrepreneurship and Active Cyber Defense
Sophos’s account of its recent active cyber defense campaign can help shape norms of “responsible behavior” in cyberspace. -
Lawfare Daily: Derek Thompson on Abundance and a New Political Order
What is the theory of Abundance? -
The Situation: Unilateral Disarmament in the Information Wars
It’s easy to understand why Trump is destroying Voice of America.