Democracy & Elections

An Alert Reader...

Benjamin Wittes
Tuesday, May 10, 2011, 10:23 AM
...sent this in from Huffington Post:
SHODDY RAT REMOVAL IN DIRKSEN CAFETERIA: WHERE'S THE HOPE AND CHANGE?Amanda Terkel was on the Hill today for, you know, reporting and stuff. While there, she witnessed just what has become of pest control in the NOBAMA administration. Amanda writes in: "There was a mouse in the Dirksen dining room today! We noticed it running around by our table and very quickly picked our handbags off the ground.

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...sent this in from Huffington Post:
SHODDY RAT REMOVAL IN DIRKSEN CAFETERIA: WHERE'S THE HOPE AND CHANGE?Amanda Terkel was on the Hill today for, you know, reporting and stuff. While there, she witnessed just what has become of pest control in the NOBAMA administration. Amanda writes in: "There was a mouse in the Dirksen dining room today! We noticed it running around by our table and very quickly picked our handbags off the ground. One guy wasn't paying attention and the mouse nearly ran right over his feet, until everyone started to making yelping noises. I was about to take a picture of it (for Twitter) until a guy came over, stomped on it, killed it and then scooped it up and took it away. Everyone was so grossed out." Capitol officials say the mouse was given a burial in a toilet in accordance with its religious custom, however there is no documentation of it. Also, there is a rumor that Glenn Greenwald is finalizing a scathing rebuke of the operation, maintaining that the mouse should have been captured.

Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.

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