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Another PRB, Another Detainee Cleared for Transfer

Benjamin Wittes
Tuesday, June 3, 2014, 7:51 AM
This time it's Ghaleb Nassar Al Bihani, about whom a Periodic Review Board found last week:
The Periodic Review Board, by consensus, determined continued law of war detention of the detainee is no longer necessary to protect against a continuing significant threat to the security of the United States. In making this determination, the Board considered the detainee's plans for the future, as well as his desire and efforts to separate himself from family members with known tie

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This time it's Ghaleb Nassar Al Bihani, about whom a Periodic Review Board found last week:
The Periodic Review Board, by consensus, determined continued law of war detention of the detainee is no longer necessary to protect against a continuing significant threat to the security of the United States. In making this determination, the Board considered the detainee's plans for the future, as well as his desire and efforts to separate himself from family members with known ties to extremism. The Board found the detainee credible on his commitment to living a peaceful life. The Board also considered the detainee's low level of training and lack of leadership position in al-Qa'ida or the Taliban. The detainee's shift in behavior from being disruptive in detention to playing a positive and constructive role in the administration of the camp, his efforts to improve his health situation, and his efforts to improve himself through exploring non-extremist matters were also noted by the Board. The PRB recommends that the detainee be transferred with the standard security assurances, as negotiated by the Guantanamo Detainee Transfer Working Group. The Board recommends resettlement in a third country with appropriate support, including adequate medical care.

Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.

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