Call for Papers: National Security & International Business

Todd Huntley
Thursday, March 7, 2024, 11:04 AM
On Sept. 27, Washington and Lee University School of Law’s Frances Lewis Law Center, Georgetown Law’s Center on National Security, and Steptoe LLP will host a roundtable on “National Security & International Business.”

Published by The Lawfare Institute
in Cooperation With

Global Conversations in International Business Transactions

National Security & International Business DC Roundtable

On Sept. 27, 2024, Washington and Lee University School of Law’s Frances Lewis Law Center, Georgetown Law’s Center on National Security, and Steptoe LLP will host a roundtable at Steptoe’s Washington, DC office on “National Security & International Business.” The roundtable is intended to foster learning and engagement between academics, legal practitioners, industry experts and policymakers. It will consist of four sessions and each will feature an academic presentation with commentaries from discussants in practice, industry or policymaking. Scholars in law, management, economics, political science, national security, supply chain management, industrial organization and related disciplines are invited to submit an abstract relating to one or more of the following featured topics:

  • Supply chain regulation and compliance, including but not limited to the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act;
  • Corporate governance and geopolitical risk;
  • Cross-border mergers and acquisitions & national security review, including but not limited to CFIUS review;
  • Contingency planning and geopolitical risk;
  • Logistics and geopolitical risk;
  • Export controls;
  • Supply chain resiliency;
  • Economic sanctions; and
  • Climate change & supply chain management

Submission Instructions: Interested participants should submit a 750-word abstract and CV to Kish Parella ( and Wendy Rice ( by June 14 with the subject line "DC Roundtable Abstract." Academic presenters will be required to distribute a draft to their discussants no later than one month prior to the event.

Funding: The Francis Lewis Law Center will provide up to $1000 of travel funding for each of the four academic presenters selected to participate in the DC Roundtable.

Publication Opportunity: Scholars selected for presentation have the option to publish their presentation paper with the Journal of National Security Law and Policy.

Roundtable Organizers:

  • Professor Kish Parella, Class of 1960 Professor of Ethics and Law, W&L School of Law
  • Peter Jeydel, Of Counsel, Steptoe LLP
  • Todd C. Huntley, Director, National Security Law Program, Georgetown University Law Center; Adjunct Professor of Law

Todd Huntley is the Director of the National Security Law Program at Georgetown University Law Center and a Lecturer in Law, teaching National Security Law related courses. Todd retired from the U.S. Navy in September 2020 after serving more than 23 years on active duty as a Judge Advocate General where he advised senior military and civilian leaders on national security and international law matters. He has extensive experience supporting the Special Operations community, including serving as the senior U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) attorney in Washington, D.C.; the senior legal advisor to the Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command Central (SOCCENT); and as the legal advisor for information and cyber operations at SOCOM HQ in Tampa, FL. Todd has deployed twice to Afghanistan with a Joint Special Operations Task Force conducting counter-terrorism operations and has advised on all aspects of operations including targeting, intelligence, detention, and cyber operations.

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