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Good AI is good and bad AI is bad, but how do lawmakers tell the difference? Will AI bring the world together or balkanize the internet beyond repair? Why do governments even need cloud computing anyway?

To discuss, ChinaTalk interviewed Pablo Chavez, a fellow at CNAS and former Vice President of Google Cloud's Public Policy division, as well as the inestimable investing tycoon Kevin Xu. Xu, formerly of GitHub, is the founder of Interconnected, a bilingual newsletter on the intersections of tech, business, investing, geopolitics, and US-Asia relations.

In this interview, we discuss:

  • The digital sovereignty movement and the lessons we can learn from China's Great Firewall;
  • The value and risks of open source architecture in the future of AI governance;
  • Meta’s long history of open source and how Llama fits into that strategy;
  • The geopolitical and cultural forces driving nations to pursue their own AI strategies;
  • The viability of sovereign AI initiatives in the face of global tech giants.

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Jordan Schneider is the host of the ChinaTalk podcast and newsletter. He previously worked at Kwai, Bridgewater and the Eurasia Group. His Chinese landscape paintings "show promise."

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