Published by The Lawfare Institute
in Cooperation With

Why, aside from Yao, have Chinese players had no success in the NBA? Post-NBA, what has Yao done to reform and professionalize the Chinese Basketball Association? One year on, how does the NBA's response to Houston Rockets GM Daryl Morey's tweet look in retrospect, and why has the Chinese government responded so differently to NBA and Premier League stars making noise about Xinjiang?

Hunter Shi of the podcast 翻转体育 and Nate Duncan of the Dunk'd On Podcast join to discuss.

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Outtro Music: I've got good news and other news. Now each ChinaTalk episode will have two outtro songs (!!), but I'll be paywalling the tracklist. If you subscribe to ChinaTalk, I'll invite you to a private YouTube playlist which will feature all the music ever heard on the podcast.

Click here to listen to ChinaTalk in your favorite podcast app.

Jordan Schneider is the host of the ChinaTalk podcast and newsletter. He previously worked at Kwai, Bridgewater and the Eurasia Group. His Chinese landscape paintings "show promise."

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