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Emerging Law of Detention--A Further Update

Benjamin Wittes
Wednesday, June 6, 2012, 5:18 PM
I have resisted linking to the latest updates to Bobby, Larkin, and my paper--The Emerging Law of Detention 2.0: The Guantanamo Habeas Cases as Lawmaking--because the redesign of the Brookings web site temporarily messed up a bunch of the links and some of the formatting.

Published by The Lawfare Institute
in Cooperation With

I have resisted linking to the latest updates to Bobby, Larkin, and my paper--The Emerging Law of Detention 2.0: The Guantanamo Habeas Cases as Lawmaking--because the redesign of the Brookings web site temporarily messed up a bunch of the links and some of the formatting. Those issues have now been resolved, so I'm pleased to announce, a little belatedly, the latest update, which actually went live a few weeks ago. For those who have not followed this unusual paper, we envisioned it as a living document that would respond to fast-moving law--as we explained in the introduction:
Rather than simply produce a new edition of the paper, one that would just as quickly become obsolete, we decided to adapt it into a more dynamic document—one that we can update in real time as the law of detention emerges further and to which we can add additional sections covering issues we ignored the first time around. . . . In some areas, the development [of the law] has been, and will continue to be, relatively rapid. In other areas, things change slowly. The goal is to provide, at all times, a reasonably up-to-date account of how the law of detention is changing and where it is heading on each of the bewildering array of questions on which individual judges and combinations of appellate judges are picking and choosing among the possible directions of the law.
Back in April, we released updates to two of the chapters. Chapter 2, which deals with the burden of proof, and Chapter 5, which deals with evidentiary presumptions have both been rewritten to take account of recent case law development. Now we have also updated Chapter 3, which deals with the scope of the government detention authority and has been updated to include recent case law and statutory changes under the NDAA. The updating of this paper has been done in collaboration with the Harvard Law School National Security Research Committee, a student practice organization that provides legal research services for academics and policymakers on a variety of national security law issues. The collaboration has taken place under the auspices of the Harvard Law School-Brookings Project on Law and Security. Our thanks again to all of the students who participated.

Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.

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