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Event Video: "Cybersecurity in the Trump Administration: What Should We Expect?"

Benjamin Wittes
Friday, March 3, 2017, 9:19 AM

The Hoover Institution has made available video of the event we did at Hoover's DC office with the folks at Intel Security. It was a terrific event, of which we'll be featuring excerpts on this week's Lawfare Podcast. But for those who want to see the whole thing, here are all three sessions.

Published by The Lawfare Institute
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The Hoover Institution has made available video of the event we did at Hoover's DC office with the folks at Intel Security. It was a terrific event, of which we'll be featuring excerpts on this week's Lawfare Podcast. But for those who want to see the whole thing, here are all three sessions.

Keynote Address: Paying Down the Cybersecurity Debt: Recommendations for the New Administration
Steve Grobman, Chief Technology Officer of Intel Security

Panel I: What Can We Expect from the Administration?
Jeffrey Eisenach, American Enterprise Institute
Adam Klein, Center for a New American Security
Denise Zheng, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Moderated by: Josh Gerstein, Politico

Panel II: What Can We Expect from Congress?
Brett DeWitt, Staff Director for Cyber Subcommittee (Majority), House Homeland Security Committee
Hope Goins, Chief Counsel for Oversight (Minority), House Homeland Security Committee
Allen Souza, Counsel (Majority), House Intelligence Committee
Michael Bahar, Staff Director (Minority), House Intelligence Committee
Brett Freedman, Counsel (Minority), Senate Intelligence Committee
Moderated by: Carrie Johnson, National Public Radio

Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.

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