The Foreign Policy Essay: Will China’s Economy Dominate the 21st Century?
Published by The Lawfare Institute
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In the first decade of this century, China’s economy grew from one-eighth the size of the U.S. economy to more than one-half. China’s economy is clearly slowing down from the torrid 10% growth rate of that decade. Its target for 2015 is likely to be 7% growth. Even at that lower rate, China will surpass the United States as the largest economy in about a decade and by the middle of the century will be twice as large. However, there is nothing inevitable about these developments. History is full of examples of countries that have grown very well for a period, only to have their growth rates slow sharply or even fall to zero.
Our research on national economies throughout world history shows that long-term economic growth, while indeed based on technological innovation, only sustains itself in the presence of democratic political institutions that provide people with incentives to innovate. China may continue to grow in the near term, but the limited rights it affords its citizens places major restrictions on the country’s longer-term possibilities for prosperity.
The country still lacks an independent judiciary and an independent media. Entrepreneurs have been jailed for dubious reasons -- not coincidentally when they went against businesses with stronger political backing. Many key economic decisions are still made by party elites who can change the CEOs of its largest companies on a whim.
There will be limits on how much innovation such a system can generate, even if China keeps growing this decade. For all its changes, China still has what we term “extractive” political institutions, those that direct resources away from the people and toward the state and a small number of its elites…By their nature, extractive states are against the kind of innovation that leads to widespread prosperity: this kind of change threatens the hold on political and economic power that elites in such states fight to maintain.
Cross-country evidence for this view comes from the fact that there are no authoritarian countries that have reached 50% of U.S. per capita income. The figure below shows Freedom House’s index of civil liberties for 149 countries in 2011. Freedom House rates countries in terms of freedom of the press and association, independence of the judiciary, strength of the rule of law—where “1” is completely free and “7” is a complete lack of civil freedoms. China is rated as a “6” on their scale. No countries rated “5,” “6,” or “7” have reached half of U.S. per capita income. Singapore is a bit of an exception as a “4” country with per capita GDP (gross domestic product) close to the United States. But as a “4,” it is not an authoritarian country. One caveat: I have taken out the oil-rich states, which tend to have high income and poor civil liberties. But these economies are not highly productive ones, they just happen to sit on huge amounts of oil per capita. It is very striking that all of the economies that have gotten close to U.S. productivity levels are “1”s and “2”s on the Freedom House scale.
David Dollar is a senior fellow in the John L. Thornton China Center at the Brookings Institution. From 2009 to 2013, Dollar was the U.S. Treasury Department’s economic and financial emissary to China. Previously, he worked at the World Bank for more than 20 years, serving as country director for China and Mongolia from 2004 to 2009.