Criminal Justice & the Rule of Law

Inspector General Releases Report on U.S. Park Police Clearing Protestors at Lafayette Park

Christiana Wayne
Thursday, June 10, 2021, 4:16 PM

The report found no evidence that the Park Police cleared the park of racial justice marchers so that then-President Trump could walk through the park for a photo-op at St. John’s Episcopal Church.

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The Interior Department’s inspector general issued a report on the actions of the United State Park Police (USPP) during the June 1, 2020 clearing of Lafayette Park. The 30-page report found no evidence that the USPP cleared the park of racial justice marchers so that then-President Trump could walk through the park for a photo opportunity at St. John’s Episcopal Church. According to the account of the day, USPP planned to clear the park to install antiscale fencing before it learned of the president’s plan to pass through. The report, however, is not a definitive account of the events of the day, and only reviewed decisions made by the Park Police, not Secret Service or other law enforcement agencies.

You can read the report here or below.

Christiana Wayne is a junior at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill studying history and English. She is an intern at Lawfare.

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