Lawfare News

Introducing Lawfare's New Book Review Editor

Benjamin Wittes
Wednesday, April 27, 2011, 4:09 PM
I am delighted to announce that Kenneth Anderson has agreed to become Lawfare's new book review editor. As I noted a few weeks back, the volume of recent and forthcoming books of potential interest to readers of this blog is significant. As part of Lawfare's ongoing expansion, its Ruling Triumverate has decreed that we should have a full-fledged book review section, in which we ask outside reviewers to discuss forthcoming books or those released in the recent past.

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I am delighted to announce that Kenneth Anderson has agreed to become Lawfare's new book review editor. As I noted a few weeks back, the volume of recent and forthcoming books of potential interest to readers of this blog is significant. As part of Lawfare's ongoing expansion, its Ruling Triumverate has decreed that we should have a full-fledged book review section, in which we ask outside reviewers to discuss forthcoming books or those released in the recent past. Ken, a law professor at American University's Washington College of Law whom many readers already know from his prolific blogging over at the Volokh Conspiracy and Opinio Juris and his learned papers and essays on themes related to this blog, has agreed to edit this new section. Authors and publishers should send him review copies of books at:
Professor Kenneth Anderson
Washington College of Law
American University
4801 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington DC 20016
Ken can also be reached at

Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.

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