Surveillance & Privacy

A List of Female Technology Policy Experts

Susan Hennessey
Tuesday, August 23, 2016, 1:00 AM

Update: That escalated quickly. This list started with 15 names of women with insight on a particular issue of law and technology policy. In just over 24 hours, we have over 230 names of a wide variety of experts and over 100 more not yet added. They represent the spectrum of seniority, experience, political and policy views.

Published by The Lawfare Institute
in Cooperation With

Update: That escalated quickly. This list started with 15 names of women with insight on a particular issue of law and technology policy. In just over 24 hours, we have over 230 names of a wide variety of experts and over 100 more not yet added. They represent the spectrum of seniority, experience, political and policy views.

The overwhelming response has revealed a need for a resource for journalists and conference planners that is more accessible and comprehensive, both in field and people, than a list. FP Interrupted and Women Also Know Stuff are awesome examples of how scholars in foreign policy and political science are tackling the problem of public engagement representation—and resources everyone should now about. And Gender Avenger is taking on the “man panel” without mercy.

Following their footsteps, we hope to have an announcement very soon about what this will become and how you can be involved. We’re pausing updating the list here—including the many names proposed but not yet added—to begin that transition.

For now, we will leave this up as a tiny sampling of the talent pool. Exhibit A: Anyone claiming "no women were available," just was not looking.


Yesterday, Amie Stepanovich of Access Now tweeted:

The comment is in response to a peculiar trait of some recent media coverage and panels on vunerabilities disclosure and government hacking—there aren't many women.

The intelligence community recognizes that improving diversity, both of gender and other factors, in the workforce is a critical part of our national security strategy. The same is true of the public conversation and debate on national security issues. Those who work in the field are well aware that there is no lack of female luminaries in national security law and policy, though of course there is room for many more. Still, in a number of areas of interest to Lawfare readers, female representation on panels and in the media does not reflect the genuine composition of experts, scholars, and journalists in the field.

As Amie’s tweet references, technology policy is one area where representation issues seem particularly acute. Rather than examine the reasons why that might be the case, here is a modest contribution to solving the particular problem, inspired by Foreign Policy Interrupted. Below is a list of female experts to talk to when assembling panels, researching, or reporting on issues at intersections of technology, the law, privacy, civil liberties, and national security.

I’ve started with the list of names offered in response to Amie’s tweet and will keep it updated for future reference. **UPDATE: In order to be fully inclusive and reflective of the community, this list also includes technology policy experts who identify as genderqueer, non-binary, or otherwise.** If you should be on this list or know someone who should be, please share a name, title, and link to bio or contact page on Twitter @Susan_Hennessey or email me here.


Amie Stepanovich, U.S. Policy Manager, Access Now

Eva Galperin: Global Policy Analyst at the Electronic Frontier Foundation

Jennifer Granick: Director of Civil Liberties at The Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School

Riana Pfefferkorn: Cryptography Fellow at The Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School

Susan Hennessey: Fellow in National Security in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution and Managing Editor of Lawfare

Katie Moussouris: Cybersecurity Fellow at the New America Foundation

Wafa Ben Hassine: Information Controls Fellow at the Open Technology Fund

Jamie Tomasello: Duo Technology, former Technology Director at Access Now

Michelle Richardson: Consultant, former Legislative Counsel at the ACLU Washington Legislative Office

Nighat Dad: Executive Director of the Digital Rights Foundation, Pakistan

Jamie Williams: Frank Stanton Legal Fellow at the Electronic Frontier Foundation

Camille Francois: Senior Researcher, Jigsaw/Google & Affiliate, Harvard Berkman-Klein Center for Internet & Society

Robyn Greene: Policy Counsel and Government Affairs Lead for the Open Technology Institute at the New America Foundation

Sasha Cohen O’Connell: Chief Policy Advisor, Science and Technology

Susan Landau: Professor of Social Science and Policy studies at Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Association for Computing Machinery

Nuala O'Connor, President and CEO, Center for Democracy and Technology

Emma Llanso, Director, Free Expression Project, Center for Democracy and Technology

Mieke Eoyang, Vice President for the National Security Program, Third Way

Michelle De Mooy, Acting Director, Privacy & Data Project, Center for Democracy and Technology

Alethea Lange, Senior Policy Analyst, Center for Democracy and Technology

Jenna McLaughlin, Journalist, The Intercept

Kim Zetter, Journalist, Wired

Marcy Wheeler, Independent Journalist and Blogger at EmptyWheel

Ellen Nakashima, Journalist, Washington Post

Liza Goitein, Co-Director, Liberty & National Security Program, Brennan Center for Justice

Rachel Levinson-Waldman, Senior Counsel, Liberty & National Security Program, Brennan Center for Justice

Carrie Cordero, Security and Privacy Attorney and Adjunct Professor, Georgetown Law

Ashley Deeks, Professor, University of Virginia Law School

Amy Zegart, Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution

Gabriella Blum, Professor, Harvard Law School

Miranda Bogen, Associate, Upturn

Katie McInnis, Attorney, Federal Communications Commission

Alex Bradshaw, Brunswick Group

Jadzia Butler, Privacy and Technology Fellow, Center for Democracy and Technology

Sandra Fulton, Government Relations Manager, Free Press

Clare Garvie, Law Fellow, Georgetown Law School, Center on Privacy and Technology

Laura Donohue, Professor, Georgetown Law School

Rainey Reitman, Activism Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Julia Angwin, Journalist, ProPublica

Neema Singh Guliani, ACLU Legislative Counsel

Danielle Citron, Professor, University of Maryland Law School

Laura DeNardis, Professor, American University School of Communication

Jamie Winterton, Director of Strategy for Arizona State University Global Security Initiative

Kara Swisher, Executive Editor, Recode

Angela McKay, Director of Cybersecurity Policy and Strategy in the Global Security Strategy and Diplomacy, Microsoft

Rebecca MacKinnon, Director, Ranking Digital Right, New America

Andrea Castillo, Program Manager Technology Policy Program, Mercatus Center at George Mason University

Melissa Hathaway, Senior Advisor, Cyber Security Project, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School

Betsy Cooper, Executive Director, Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity, Berkeley School of Information

Jane Holl Lute, CEO, Center for Internet Security

Nicole Wong, Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group

Daphne Keller, Director of Intermediary Liability, Center for Internet and Society, Stanford Law School

Elizabeth Joh, Professor, UC Davis School of Law

Abby Liebeskind, Legal Compliance Attorney, ZwillGen PLLC

Claire Gartland, Consumer Protection Counsel, Electronic Privacy Information Center

Caitriona Fitzgerald, State Policy Coordinator, Electronic Privacy Information Center

Aimee Thomson, Appellate Advocacy, Electronic Privacy Information Center

Hillary Hartley, Deputy Executive Director 18F, General Services Administration

Whitney Merrill, Attorney, Federal Trade Commission

Carolina Rossini, VP of International Policy, Public Knowledge

Cathy Gellis, Lawyer, former Internet Professional

Margot Kaminski, Professor, The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law

Cindy Cohn, Executive Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Lauren Gelman, Non-Residential Fellow, The Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School

Catherine Crump, Clinical Professor, Berkeley Law School

Samm Sacks, Senior Analyst on Asia, Eurasia Group

Mailyn Fidler, Fellow, Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University

Lorrie Cranor, Chief Technologist, Federal Trade Commission; Professor, Computer Science and Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University

Marcia Hofmann, Founder and Principal, Zeitgeist Law PC; Special Counsel, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Barbara van Schewick, Professor, Stanford Law School; Director, Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School

Siobhan Gorman, Director, Brunswick Group

Kendra Albert, Harvard Law ‘16, Zeitgeist Law

Sue Garder, Special Advisor, Wikimedia

Katherine Maher, Executive Director, Wikimedia

Jillian York, Director for International Freedom of Expression, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Eleanor Saitta, Security Architect, Etsy; Writer; Hacker

Harlo Holmes, Digital Security Trainer, Freedom of the Press Foundation

Tiffany Li, Technology Attorney; Privacy Fellow, Wikimedia Foundation

Amanda Levendowski, Teaching Fellow, Technology Law and Policy clinic at NYU Law

Ali Sternberg, Senior Public Policy Counsel at the Computer & Communications Industry Association

Malkia A. Cyril, Founder and Executive Director, Center for Media Justice; Co-founder, Media Action Grassroots Network

Dia Kayyali, Independent Human Rights Consultant and Writer

Malavika Jayaram, Executive Director, Digital Asia Hub

Kate Darling, Research Specialist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab

Sara Watson, Technology Critic and Research Fellow, Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University

Sandra Cortesi, Fellow, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society; Director, Youth and Media,

Ellery Biddle, Director, Global Voices Advocacy

Saba Ghole, Founder, NuVu Studio

Rita Cant, Legal Fellow, Free Expression Project at the Center for Democracy and Technology

Sarah Jeong, Journalist, Vice Motherboard

Sarah Myers West, Doctoral student, Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism, USC

Gabriella Coleman, Wolfe Chair in Scientific and Technological Literacy at McGill University

Deirdre Mulligan, Professor, Berkeley School of Information

Leslie Harris, Former President & CEO, Center for Democracy and Technology

Dorothy Denning, Distinguished Professor, Department of Defense Analysis

Naval Postgraduate School

Parisa Tabriz, Head of Information Security Engineering Team, Google

Rebecca Crootof, Executive Director, Information Society Project; Research Scholar and Lecturer in Law, Yale Law School

Corynne McSherry, Legal Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Sophia Cope, Staff Attorney, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Stephanie Lacambra, Criminal Defense Attorney, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Katitza Rodriguez, International Rights Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Kit Walsh, Staff Attorney, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Vera Ranieri, Staff Attorney, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Jennifer Daskal, Professor, American University College of Law.

Marianne Díaz, Writer and Lawyer, Derechos Digitales

Mahsa Alimardani, Iran Editor, Global Voices; Internet Researcher

Afef Abrougui, MENA Advocacy Editor, Global Voices; Research Fellow, Social Media Exchange

Lee Rowland, Senior Staff Attorney, ACLU Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project

Esha Bhandari, Staff Attorney, ACLU Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project

Eliza Sweren-Becker, Attorney, ACLU Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project

Yan Zhu, Engineer, Brave

Helen Nissenbaum, Professor, NYU; Director, Information Law Institute

Katherine Strandburg, Professor, NYU Law Law

Paula Kift, PhD Student, Department of Media, Culture, and Communication at NYU

Sasha Moss, Tech Policy Fellow, R Street Institute

Nico Sell, Founder, Wickr

Jennifer Lynch, Senior Staff Attorney, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Anne Hobson, Tech Policy Fellow, R Street Institute

Shane Tews, Visiting Fellow, American Enterprise Institute Center for Internet, Communications, and Technology Policy

Robin Weisman, Senior Policy Counsel, Coin Center.

Susan Freiwald, Professor, University of San Francisco School of Law

Latanya Sweeney, Professor, Harvard University

Denise Zheng, Senior Fellow and Deputy Director of the Strategic Technologies Program, CSIS

Pamela Samuelson, Professor, Berkeley School of Information

Lex Gill, Research Consultant, Privacy, Technology, and Surveillance Project at the Canadian Civil Liberties Association

Vice Admiral Jan Tighe, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare and Director of Naval Intelligence, United States Navy

Debra J. Farber, Senior Director, Global Public Policy (Security & Privacy), Visa; Co-Founder, Women in Security & Privacy (WISP)

Stephanie Pell, Assistant Professor and Cyber Ethics Fellow at West Point’s Army Cyber Institute

Michelle Price, Senior Adviser for Cyber Security, National Security College, Australian National university

Andrea Matwyshyn, Professor, Northeastern University School of Law

Laura Moy, Visiting Assistant Professor of Law, Georgetown Law School

Yana Welinder, Program Manager, Carbon

Michelle Paulson, Interim General Counsel (Legal Director), Wikimedia Foundation

Gabriella Ziccarelli, Attorney, Blank Rome

Elena Elkina, Senior Privacy & Data Protection Management Executive (Independent Consultant) and Co-founder, Vice Chair & Chief Evangelist of Women in Security and Privacy

Jen Ellis, Vice President of Community and Public Affairs, Rapid7

Lucia Savage, Chief Privacy Officer,

Hannah Poteat, Privacy & IP Counsel at GitHub

Reg Levy, Director of Legal Affairs, Minds + Machines

Teri Karobonik, Associate Product Counsel, Twitter

Camille Stewart, Cyber, Tech & Intellectual Property Attorney

Annemarie Bridy, Professor, University of Idaho College of Law

Marjory Blumenthal, Director, Science, Technology, & Policy, RAND

Annie Anton, Professor and Chair, School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech

Deborah Estrin, Associate Dean & Professor of Computer Science, Cornell Tech

Jeannette Wing, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Research

Mary Ellen Zurko, Principal Engineer, Cisco

Batya Friedman, Professor, University of Washington

Donna Dodson, Deputy Cybersecurity Advisor, NIST

Kate Walsh, Copyright, Internet Policy, and Technology Lawyer; Board Member, Free Software Foundation

Rebecca Tushnet, Professor, Georgetown Law School

Jill Bronfman, Program Director of the Privacy and Technology Project at the Institute for Innovation Law and Adjunct Professor of Law in Data Privacy, UC Hastings College of the Law

Anna Hsia, Counsel, ZwillGen Law LLP

Kate Black, Privacy officer and Corporate Counsel, 23andMe

Françoise Gilbert, Attorney, Greenberg Traurig

Gail Slater, Vice President of Legal and Regulatory Policy, Internet Association

Jessica Dheere, Co-Director, Social Media Exchange

Dhouha Ben Youssef, Founder and Manager, I. Conseils

Malavika Jayaram, Fellow, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society

Christina Ayiotis, Co-Chair, Georgetown Cybersecurity Law Institute

April Doss, Attorney, Saul Ewing

Rebekah Lewis, Executive in Residence, American University Kogod School of Business

Rebekah Brown, Threat Intelligence Lead, Global Services at Rapid7

Amy Hess, Executive Assistant Director Science and Technology, FBI

Susan Infantino, former Legal Director (Associate General Counsel), Google Inc.

Milana H McCullagh, Director of Legal, Google Inc.

Halimah DeLaine Prado, Director of Legal, Google Inc.

Mishi Choudhary, Legal Director, Software Freedom Law Center

Nicole Alston, Vice President of Legal, Google

Victoria Baranetsky, First Look Technology Fellow, Reporters Committee

Vijaya Gadde, General Counsel, Twitter

Laura Pirri, Legal Director for Privacy, Twitter

Amanda Craig, Senior Cybersecurity Strategist in Trustworthy Computing's Global Security Strategy and Diplomacy, Microsoft

Heather West, Senior Policy Manager, Mozilla

Tal Kopan, Journalist, CNN

Malka Older, Writer, Aid Worker, and PhD Candidate

Lynette Millett, Director, Forum on Cyber Resilience; Associate Director & Senior Program Officer, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board

Mara Tam, Cyber Security Policy, QxNch

Megan Gray, Non-Resident Fellow, The Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law

Jessie Rossman, Staff Attorney, ACLU

Nicole Ozer, Technology and Civil Liberties Project Director, ACLU of California

Xeni Jardin, tech culture journalist, Wired Magazine/NPR, Boing Boing

Katherine Maher, Executive Director, Wikimedia Foundation

Wendy Seltzer, Policy Counsel to World Wide Web Consortium and Visiting Fellow, Yale Law

Susan Crawford, Clinical Professor, Harvard Law School; Co-Director Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society

Anne Toth, ‎Vice President of Policy, Slack Technologies

Mishi Choudhary, Legal Director, Software Freedom Law Center

Anne-Marie Slaughter, President and CEO, New America

Ann Cavoukian, Executive Director , Privacy and Big Data Institute

Del Harvey, VP Trust & Safety, Twitter

Adelin Cai, Policy, Pinterest

Shantal Rands, Senior Manager Online Legal Operations, Google

Julie Samuels, Executive Director, Tech:NYC.

Julie Brill, Attorney, Hogan Lovells

Edith Ramirez, Chairwoman, Federal Trade Commission

Terrell McSweeny, Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission

Hina Shamsi, Director, ACLU National Security Project

Denelle Dixon-Thayer, Chief Business and Legal Officer, Mozilla

Sheila Fitzpatrick, Chief Privacy Officer, NetApp

Nathalie Marechal, Senior Fellow at Ranking Digital Rights & PhD candidate at USC Annenberg

Chris Demchak, Strategic & Operational Research, U.S. Naval War College.

Renata Avila, Global Campaign Manager, Web We Want

Nanjira Sambuli, Researcher in Nairobi, Kenya

Cathleen Berger, ICT and Foreign Policy Expert

Michelle Finneran Dennedy, Chief Privacy Officer, Cisco

Kenesa Ahmad, Privacy Associate, Promontory

Chenxi Wang, Chief Strategy Officer, Twistlock

Sharon Polsky, BIS MAPP; President & CEO, AMINAcorp

Maura Conway, Professor, Dublin City University

Abir Ghattas, Global Voices Exchange Program Manager; Advocacy Director, Majal

Scarlet Kim, Legal Officer, Privacy International

Caroline Wilson Palow, General Counsel, Privacy International

Millie Graham Wood, Legal Officer, Privacy International

Fatima Khan, Head of Partnerships/Women in Security and Privacy, WISP; Vice President of Legal, Airpush.

Lindsay Beck, Senior Program Manager, Open Technology Fund

Tarah Wheeler, Cybersecurity expert & author of Women In Tech.

Kristen Eichensehr, Professor, UCLA School of Law

Quinn Norton, Journalist

Beth Simone Noveck, Co-Founder and Director of The GovLab

Heather Meeker, Partner, O’Melveney

Jane Bambauer, Associate Professor, University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law

Rebecca Williams, Senior Analyst at Johns Hopkins University Center for Government Excellence

Lillian Ablon, Information Scientist, RAND Corporation

Rebecca Lipman, Law Clerk for U.S. District Judge in the District of New Jersey

Melinda McLellan, Counsel, BakerHostetler

Sally Wentworth, Vice President of Global Policy Development, Internet Society

Kathy Brown, President/CEO, Internet Society

Constance Bommelaer, Senior Director, Global Internet Policy, Internet Society

Alissa Cooper, Distinguished Engineer, Cisco Systems

Paula Bruening, Senior Counsel for Global Privacy Policy, Intel Corporation

Ashley Gorski, Staff Attorney, ACLU National Security Project

Andrea Peterson, Journalist, Washington Post

Megan Stifel, Founder, Silicon Harbor Consultants; Nonresident Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council's Cyber Statecraft Initiative

Yurie Ito, Director of Global Coordination Division, Japan Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center; Nonresident Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council's Cyber Statecraft Initiative

Susan Hennessey was the Executive Editor of Lawfare and General Counsel of the Lawfare Institute. She was a Brookings Fellow in National Security Law. Prior to joining Brookings, Ms. Hennessey was an attorney in the Office of General Counsel of the National Security Agency. She is a graduate of Harvard Law School and the University of California, Los Angeles.

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