Armed Conflict Criminal Justice & the Rule of Law Terrorism & Extremism

Motions Hearing in the Al-Nashiri Case: February 4 Session

Benjamin Wittes
Monday, February 4, 2013, 6:50 PM
We're back---live (sort of) from Guantanamo (sort of). It's Monday at Fort Meade, and that means it's time to open a multi-day motions hearing in the Nashiri military commission. You remember Abd al Rahim Hussayn Muhammad al-Nashiri, right? He's the alleged Cole bombing mastermind on trial in the other major military commission case going on these days at Guantanamo. Wells and I (mostly Wells) will be covering the hearing all week---motion by motion---on our Events Coverage page.

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We're back---live (sort of) from Guantanamo (sort of). It's Monday at Fort Meade, and that means it's time to open a multi-day motions hearing in the Nashiri military commission. You remember Abd al Rahim Hussayn Muhammad al-Nashiri, right? He's the alleged Cole bombing mastermind on trial in the other major military commission case going on these days at Guantanamo. Wells and I (mostly Wells) will be covering the hearing all week---motion by motion---on our Events Coverage page. Each day, a post listing each of the detailed entries will remain at the top of Lawfare's main feed while the hearing is running. So stay tuned. Resplendent in Robes Time is 9:00 am.

2/4 Al-Nashiri Hearing #1: Microphones, Monitoring, an Angry Judge, and a Recess

2/4 Al-Nashiri Hearing #2: More Mics, More Monitoring

2/4 Al-Nashiri Hearing #3: Retroactive Colloquies Over the Right Not to Show Up? 

2/4 Nashiri Hearing #4: Wherein We Turn to Nashiri’s Competence

2/4 Nashiri Hearing #5: A Skirmish Over the Good Doctor Iacopino

2/4 Nashiri Hearing #6: A Medical Examination with Shackles, Guards, or Neither?

2/4 Nashiri Hearing #7: Some Rulings—and An Inversion

Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.

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