The National Security Law Podcast: Is It Arnold Palmer or Iced Tea-Lemonade?

Robert Chesney, Steve Vladeck
Thursday, January 31, 2019, 5:41 PM

Unlike Rent Live, all of our personnel participated in this week’s show! We’ve got:

Published by The Lawfare Institute
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Unlike Rent Live, all of our personnel participated in this week’s show! We’ve got:

  1. The Venezuela Crisis: International Law complications with dueling recognitions
  2. More Venezuela: “5,000 Troops to Colombia” and Section 1021 of the Ronald W. Reagan NDAA FY’05
  3. How About Some More Venezuela? The national emergency declaration that has been in place since 2015, and sanctions under it
  4. The Prospect of Peace with the Afghan Taliban: Implications for GTMO detention litigation (and looming questions of deference)
  5. From SDF Military Detention to US Criminal Prosecution: Warren Clark is now in Houston, facing charges
  6. More Terrorism Prosecutions: two other IS-related material support cases, plus big sentences in a domestic terrorism case
  7. How About Some More Terrorism Prosecutions: A post-game review of the Nashiri oral argument
  8. Dude, why is our super-secret robot arm in your bag? On the less-widely heralded Huawei prosecution
  9. More Huawei Prosecutions: Oh yeah, there’s also the one where the CFO is facing extradition from Canada for fraud in re Iran sanctions
  10. Pretty Soon No One Will Fight Alongside Us: On the Danish court ruling in the Green Desert Case
  11. Round 74: Arguing about whether DNI Dan Coats should stay or resign

Frivolity: Super Bowl predictions –> Super Bowl halftime shows –> the “live musical” trend –> why didn’t Rent Live have an understudy???

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Robert (Bobby) Chesney is the Dean of the University of Texas School of Law, where he also holds the James A. Baker III Chair in the Rule of Law and World Affairs at UT. He is known internationally for his scholarship relating both to cybersecurity and national security. He is a co-founder of Lawfare, the nation’s leading online source for analysis of national security legal issues, and he co-hosts the popular show The National Security Law Podcast.
Steve Vladeck is a professor of law at the University of Texas School of Law. A 2004 graduate of Yale Law School, Steve clerked for Judge Marsha Berzon on the Ninth Circuit and Judge Rosemary Barkett on the Eleventh Circuit. In addition to serving as a senior editor of the Journal of National Security Law & Policy, Steve is also the co-editor of Aspen Publishers’ leading National Security Law and Counterterrorism Law casebooks.

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