Intelligence Surveillance & Privacy

A Reply to David Cole on Rights of Foreigners Abroad

Orin Kerr
Saturday, November 2, 2013, 1:54 AM
A few days ago, I posted a response to David Cole's Just Security post that had argued for U.S. law protecting the privacy of foreigners abroad.

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A few days ago, I posted a response to David Cole's Just Security post that had argued for U.S. law protecting the privacy of foreigners abroad. David has generously replied with an amusingly-titled post, We Are All Foreign Nationals — Even Orin Kerr. I suspect that our differences reflect our priors, which in turn are based on two different conceptions of government. I tend to see governments as having legitimacy because of the consent of the governed, which triggers rights and obligations to and from its citizens and those in its territorial borders. As I understand David, he has more of a global view of government, by which governments are accountable to all humans worldwide. I suspect that difference leads us to talk past each other a bit. Consider David's question: "Would we be satisfied to give the French authority to pick up all of our communications simply on a showing that we were not French and not living in France?" Under my conception of government, the question doesn't make sense. Because we don't have any rights vis-a-vis the French government, we can't "give the French authority" to do anything or have any valid claim to satisfy. If I'm right that this difference explains our disagreement, then we're essentially playing out the majority and dissenting opinions in United States v. Verdugo-Urquidez, with me echoing Chief Justice Rehnquist's majority opinion and David echoing Justice Brennan's dissent.

Orin Kerr is a Professor at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law. He is a nationally recognized scholar of criminal procedure and computer crime law. Before becoming a law professor, Kerr was a trial attorney in the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section at the Department of Justice and a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Eastern District of Virginia. He is a former law clerk for Justice Anthony M. Kennedy of the U.S. Supreme Court and Judge Leonard I. Garth of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.

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