Executive Branch Intelligence Lawfare News Surveillance & Privacy

Some Recent NSA Debates

Benjamin Wittes
Thursday, October 9, 2014, 11:33 AM
Here's some video of some recent NSA debates. Here's one that took place a couple of weeks ago at Georgetown on "The NSA, Privacy & the Global Internet: Perspectives on EO 12333." Participants included law professors Nathan Sales, Laura Donohue, DNI General Counsel Bob Litt, and former State Department official John Tyre.

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Here's some video of some recent NSA debates. Here's one that took place a couple of weeks ago at Georgetown on "The NSA, Privacy & the Global Internet: Perspectives on EO 12333." Participants included law professors Nathan Sales, Laura Donohue, DNI General Counsel Bob Litt, and former State Department official John Tyre.
This one, from Intelligence Squared US, took place the other day around the resolution: "Mass Collection of U.S. Phone Records Violates the Fourth Amendment." Debaters include former NSA General Counsel Stewart Baker, law professor and former OLC official John Yoo, Alex Abdo of the ACLU, and Elizabeth Wydra of the Constitutional Accountability Project.

Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.

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