Criminal Justice & the Rule of Law

Supreme Court to Review Immigration Executive Order

Matthew Kahn
Monday, June 26, 2017, 10:47 AM

The Supreme Court announced that it will review the circuit court rulings on the immigration executive order, staying the lower courts' injunctions in part. The court will consolidate Hawaii v. Trump and IRAP v. Trump for consideration and hear oral argument in October. The court's decision to grant the petitions for certiorari is below.

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The Supreme Court announced that it will review the circuit court rulings on the immigration executive order, staying the lower courts' injunctions in part. The court will consolidate Hawaii v. Trump and IRAP v. Trump for consideration and hear oral argument in October. The court's decision to grant the petitions for certiorari is below.

Matthew Kahn is a third-year law student at Harvard Law School and a contributor at Lawfare. Prior to law school, he worked for two years as an associate editor of Lawfare and as a junior researcher at the Brookings Institution. He graduated from Georgetown University in 2017.

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