Lawfare News

Third Annual COCOM-Interagency Cyber Law Conference

Cody M. Poplin
Thursday, September 24, 2015, 1:14 PM

USCYBERCOM will host the third annual COCOM-Interagency Cyber Law Conference from October 20-22, 2015. For more information, see the annoucement below:

Published by The Lawfare Institute
in Cooperation With

USCYBERCOM will host the third annual COCOM-Interagency Cyber Law Conference from October 20-22, 2015. For more information, see the annoucement below:

Previous conferences proved successful at bringing together cyber operational law practitioners from across the joint force and inter-agency, as well as representatives from academia and the private sector, to address the unique national security law challenges presented by the evolving cyber domain. The first day of the conference will be held at the Acquisition Research Center, Hanover, MD, and will be conducted at the unclassified level. The second and third days of the conference will be held at the classified level on Fort Meade, Maryland.

The goals of this year's conference are to achieve a deeper understanding of the growing cyber threat; the emerging whole-of-government framework for confronting that threat and employing cyber in furtherance of the nation's interests; USCYBERCOM's mission, authorities and growing capacity to support the Department of Defense's Cyber Strategy and accomplish its three primary cyber missions; and the related legal issues and challenges.

The conference will provide a forum for the important exchange of perspectives between the public and private sector, as well as between practitioners and academics. The agenda will include briefings from USCYBERCOM, remarks from USCYBERCOM leadership, a keynote address, an update on the Tallin Manual and Tallin 2.0 from Professors Sean Watts and Eric Jensen, and two timely roundtable discussions led by Harvey Rishikof and Professor Bobby Chesney addressing the whole-of-nation response to cyber threats across the spectrum of operations.

The conference will be conducted under Chatham House rules. Seating capacity is limited, with priority seating reserved for DoD and other US Government participants.

For those interested in attending, please call (443) 654-6880 for more details.

Cody Poplin is a student at Yale Law School. Prior to law school, Cody worked at the Brookings Institution and served as an editor of Lawfare. He graduated from the UNC-Chapel Hill in 2012 with degrees in Political Science & Peace, War, and Defense.

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