Trump Signs Executive Order to Reshape the U.S. Foreign Service
Published by The Lawfare Institute
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On Feb. 12, President Donald Trump signed an executive order titled “One Voice for America’s Foreign Relations,” which calls on the secretary of state to “reform the Foreign Service and the administration of foreign relations to ensure faithful and effective implementation of the President’s foreign policy agenda.”
The order directs the secretary of state to “implement reforms in recruiting, performance, evaluation, and retention standards, and the programs of the Foreign Service Institute,” as well as to revise or replace the Foreign Affairs Manual and to “direct subordinate agencies to remove, amend, or replace any handbooks, procedures, or guidance.”
According to the order, the personnel procedures of all executive departments and agencies engaged in foreign policy must “provide an effective and efficient means for ensuring that officers and employees faithfully implement the President’s policies,” and failure to do so “is grounds for professional discipline, including separation.”
Read the order here or below: