USG Folks: Support Lawfare Through the 2015 Combined Federal Campaign!

Wells Bennett
Friday, October 9, 2015, 10:09 AM

A little announcement from HQ, for interested readers inside the federal government: You can now support Lawfare, by means of the 2015 Combined Federal Campaign. The CFC is, in short, the United States' in-house donations effort for participating charities and non-profits; or, as the CFC's literature puts it, "the largest and most successful workplace fundraising campaign in the world."

Published by The Lawfare Institute
in Cooperation With

A little announcement from HQ, for interested readers inside the federal government: You can now support Lawfare, by means of the 2015 Combined Federal Campaign. The CFC is, in short, the United States' in-house donations effort for participating charities and non-profits; or, as the CFC's literature puts it, "the largest and most successful workplace fundraising campaign in the world."

This humble website is published by the Lawfare Institute, a non-profit taking part in this year's CFC. And, thanks to the CFC's recently-established "universal giving" feature, federal employees now can donate to any participating outfit they select, without respect for geographic boundaries. Said differently, wherever located, Lawfare readers employed by the feds now can support the site's work, through direct contributions to the Institute.

Donation procedures are explained in detail here. But the fastest, easiest route is to visit the capital area CFC's website, and click "donate now." You'll then be able to select from a number of options, including one-time and recurring draws on your credit card, or (most excitingly) a regular, direct deduction from payroll. There are also somewhat more cumbersome options for cash and check donations, too.

The most important part: The Institute's 5 digit CFC code—which you'll need to record, at the time of donating either online or by paper formsis 74504. We've also noted that same information on the "support Lawfare" button to your screen's right, to boot.

As always, we wish to stress our lasting gratitude for the support we continue to receive, in whatever form, from all our readers, everywhere. We are truly grateful.

Wells C. Bennett was Managing Editor of Lawfare and a Fellow in National Security Law at the Brookings Institution. Before coming to Brookings, he was an Associate at Arnold & Porter LLP.

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