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The Washington Post Fingers the Person Behind the Snowden Disclosures!

Benjamin Wittes
Wednesday, March 18, 2015, 2:15 PM
In what is surely a typographical error, the Washington Post has named NSA General Counsel Raj De as the man behind the Snowden disclosures:
De’s last day was Friday, and he plans to start at Mayer Brown in June as head of the firm’s privacy and security practice in Washington.

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In what is surely a typographical error, the Washington Post has named NSA General Counsel Raj De as the man behind the Snowden disclosures:
De’s last day was Friday, and he plans to start at Mayer Brown in June as head of the firm’s privacy and security practice in Washington. He had been NSA’s general counsel since April 2012 and oversaw the exposure of the government’s controversial surveillance program by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden (emphasis added).
What the Post means, of course, is that De oversaw the response to the exposure of surveillance programs by Snowden. If not, the paper has really buried its lede. In all seriousness, De deserves congratulations on his service in a very tough role during a very difficult period. Here's wishing him the best of all things in private practice.

Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.

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