Lawfare News

The Week that Will Be

Cody M. Poplin
Monday, July 14, 2014, 12:00 AM

Event Announcements (More details on the Events Calendar)

Published by The Lawfare Institute
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Event Announcements (More details on the Events Calendar)

Monday, July 14, 8:30 am - 12:45 pm: The U.S. Institute of Peace, in coordination with the U.S. Military Academy's Center for the Study of Civil-Military Operations and Rand Arroyo Center, will be hosting an event entitled, Ending Wars to Build Peace: Conflict Termination Workshop. It will feature notable experts sharing their observations and concerns about the issue of war termination, its planning, transition, and challenges. Light breakfast and a lunch will be served.

Monday, July 14, 11:00 am: The CATO Institute hosts a panel discussion that asks When is Foreign Internal Defense (FID) a Smart Policy Tool for Washington? Does FID produce more effective and self-sufficient partners, at lower political and financial costs to Americans? Or does FID pull the United States into local fights, and risk outsourcing U.S. security interests? Panelists will discuss these questions and more.

Tuesday, July 15, 10:00 am: At the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Marine Corps Commandant General James Amos will engage in a broad-ranging conversation on the future of the U.S. Marine Corps following the draw-down in Afghanistan.

Tuesday, July 15, 2:00 pm: Also at Carnegie, Professor Fernando Reinares will give a talk on the Madrid 3/11 Bombings, Jihadist Networks in Spain, and the Evolution of Terrorism in Western Europe. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2:00 pm: The House Foreign Affairs Joint Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade will host a hearing on The Rise of ISIL: Iraq and Beyond. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2:30 pm: On the other side of the Hill, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing entitled, Taking Down Botnets: Public and Private Efforts to Disrupt and Dismantle Cyber-criminal Networks. The hearing will be in the Dirksen Senate Office Building. 

Tuesday, July 15, 3:30 pm: The Woodrow Wilson Center will host an event on A New Agenda for a New Ukraine: Political, Security, and Social Dimensions. Kennan Kyiv Office Director, Yaroslav Pylynskyi, will talk about the first steps the new government needs to take to deliver on its promise of concrete change.

Tuesday, July 15, 4:30 pm: Dennis D. Staszak, former Deputy Unit Chief of the Foreign Counterintelligence and Counter Terrorism Training Unit in the FBI, will give a lecture at the Institute of World Politics on How to Conduct a Foreign Counterintelligence Investigation. 

Wednesday, July 16, 9:30 am: At the American Enterprise Institute, Elliott Abrams of the Council on Foreign Relations and Ghaith Al Omari of the American Task Force on Palestine will discuss the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine in an event entitled, Operation Protective Edge: The Spreading Conflagration in the Middle East. 

Wednesday, July 16, 10:00 am: With the deadline on the P5+1 nuclear talks with Iran quickly approaching, the House Foreign Affairs Committee will hold a hearing on Iran's Destabilizing Role in the Middle East. Scott Modell, Ray Takeyh, and Natan B. Sachs are scheduled to testify.

Wednesday, July 16, 10:30 am: The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace will hold an event on The Resurgence of the Taliban. Hassan Abbas, author of The Taliban Revival: Violence and Extremism on the Pakistan-Afghanistan Frontier, will examine the Taliban not only survived but adapted to regain power and political advantage.

Wednesday, July 16, 12:00 pm: The Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) will host a congressional luncheon at the Rayburn House Office Building on Sustaining Strong Defense in the Era of Austere Budgets. Representative Randy Forbes, Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces, and Todd Harrison, Senior Fellow and Director of Defense Budget Studies at the CSBA, will answer questions.

Wednesday, July 16, 12:30 pm: The New America Foundation will host a panel discussion on Israel, Gaza, and the Potential for a Diplomatic Resolution to the Violence.

Wednesday, July 16, 2:00 pm: The Trouble with Non-State Armed Groups: What do do with Boko Haram? That is the question slated for a round table discussion with Virginia Comolli at the International Institute for Strategic Studies on Wednesday. Drawing from field and desk research on Nigeria and using the current crisis in the northeast region of that country as a key case study, Comolli will address the complexity of dealing with multi-faceted threats both militarily and politically.

Thursday, July 17, 12:00 pm: As the P5+1 approaches the July 20 deadline for a final Iran nuclear deal, what standards should Congress seek in an acceptable agreement? And what are the stakes for the United States and its allies? The Bipartisan Policy Center, the Foreign Policy Initiative, and the Foundation for Defense of Democracies will attempt to answer these questions and more with a panel discussion in the Hart Senate Office Building entitled, High Standards and High Stakes: Defining Terms of an Acceptable Iran Nuclear Deal. 

Friday, July 18 at 10 am: The United States Institute of Peace will host a public discussion on The Legacy of President Hamid Karzai.

Employment Announcements (More details on the Job Board)

 Deputy Legal Advisor
ORGANIZATION: International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) DEPARTMENT: International Humanitarian Law (IHL) LOCATION: Washington, DC DIRECT SUPERVISOR: Legal Advisor APPLICATION DEADLINE: August 1, 2014 FUNCTION DESCRIPTION: The Deputy Legal Advisor provides legal and policy advice to the ICRC Regional Delegation for the US and Canada in Washington DC, and contributes to the implementation of its objectives, including by supporting its humanitarian operations and by advancing the organization's positions in the field of IHL. Minimum required knowledge, experience and personal skills:
  • J.D. from accredited US law school
  • Expertise in IHL (in particular detention, conduct of hostilities and weapons regulation)
  • At least 5 years post-J.D. experience
  • Legal experience within the US defense or national security sector
  • Good knowledge of International Human Rights Law
  • Commitment to neutral and independent humanitarian action
  • Excellent representation skills and at ease in negotiations
  • Team player with an enthusiasm for working in a multicultural environment
  • French and/or Spanish as a working language desirable
  • US person (US National or Green card holder)
  • provides legal advice to all the Departments of the Regional Delegation on matters of domestic law, IHL and other relevant international standards (in particular International Human Rights Law)
  • provides legal support to ICRC detention visits and other field operations
  • monitors, analyses and comments on developments of US law and policy pertaining to national security and other relevant areas of humanitarian concern
  • contributes to the drafting of the reporting of the ICRC and conveys its institutional positions in bilateral meetings with Government representatives
  • provides legal input to the public communication of the Regional Delegation; drafts and edits articles on IHL issues
  • teaches IHL to various audiences and represents the ICRC in conferences and public events
  • maintains and expands the network of contacts of the Regional delegation in the legal community, notably in the executive (including the military)and legislative branches, civil society and academia
  • some domestic and international travel required
Further information about this post can be obtained by contacting Gary Brown ( or Andrea Harrison ( If you are interested in applying for this post and meet the requirements set out above, please send your application (CV and letter) to lmacabrey@icrc.orgby August 1, 2014.
Associate General Counsel
ORGANIZATION: Office of the Director of National Intelligence JOB ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER: PE886
SALARY RANGE: $75,621 - 116,901 / Per Year
OPEN PERIOD: July 2, 2014 to July 30, 2014
SECURITY CLEARANCE: Top Secret/SCI with CI Polygraph
JOB SUMMARY: The Office of General Counsel (OSG) of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence provides legal advice and counsel to the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and other ODNI officials on a wide range of legal issues to include intelligence and national security law, procurement and acquisition law, personnel law, government ethics, budget and fiscal law, general administrative law, legislative support, government information practices, and intellectual property law. MAJOR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:
  • Provide preliminary legal advice to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence leadership on areas of law affecting ODNI's duties and responsibilities under the National Security Act, Presidential directives, Executive Orders, and other related laws and policies.
  • Provide recommendations to senior attorneys to support the development, review, and preparation of United States Government-wide and IC-wide policies, procedures, guidelines, rules, and standards.
  • Counsel clients, including ODNI leaders, on legal issues and provide effective guidance on possible courses of action; prepare documents on legal issues for a variety or internal and external recipients.
  • Conduct research and analysis on complex or sensitive legal issues as well as on laws, regulations, and policies that have an impact on ODNI and IC interests and brief senior attorneys on issues and findings.
  • Provide initial reviews of planned ODNI and IC activities for compliance with the US Constitution and laws of the US, Executive Orders, and other applicable regulations and policies affecting ODNI and the IC and brief senior attorneys on potential legal and policy issues, and recommend solutions to address legal problems having potential impact on the ODNI's or the IC missions or activities.
  • Perform initial analyses of statutes, bills, reports, and Congressional materials, as well as proposed Executive Branch orders, directives, regulations, and policies, to determine their effect on the ODNI and the IC; provide advice and counsel to senior attorneys on legislative proposals, Congressional testimony, and related documents.
Zeichner Risk Analytics
Zeichner Risk Analytics seek a full time employee with a security clearance to help consult and provide research on a range of security and legal/policy issues. There is also a wide range of support needed to help manage and maintain administrative activities, which includes updating company websites and managing the Twitter accounts and other social media. Work may also include engaging in the final steps of the publication and subsequent marketing for the text and e-book Cybersecurity Foundations: An Interdisciplinary Introduction. Some travel may be required.  Send resume to Alexis –
  Intern, American Bar Association Standing Committee on Law and National Security
The American Bar Association Standing Committee on Law and National Security seeks an intern for the Fall semester 2014.  Unpaid internship will include research and writing in preparation for the 24th Annual Review of the Field of National Security Law Conference in Washington, DC.  Intern will also have the opportunity to attend and provide summaries of pertinent Congressional hearings, and participate in monthly breakfast programs featuring prominent speakers in the area of national security law. Fall applicants may be undergraduates or currently in law school. (full or part time)   Deadline for submission: September 10, 2014. Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and resume to:  Holly McMahon, Staff Director ABA Standing Committee on Law and National Security 1050 Connecticut Avenue N.W., Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036 CC:
Intern, National War College
The National War College seeks interns to assist in developing a course on Politics and the Law for senior military officers.  Terrific opportunity for an unpaid intern to work directly with the Dean of the College. Send resumes and cover letter of interest to



Cody Poplin is a student at Yale Law School. Prior to law school, Cody worked at the Brookings Institution and served as an editor of Lawfare. He graduated from the UNC-Chapel Hill in 2012 with degrees in Political Science & Peace, War, and Defense.

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