Lawfare News

The Year in Lawfare 2012

Benjamin Wittes
Monday, December 31, 2012, 12:59 PM
I tend to think of the Lawfare year as corresponding with the academic year, since Lawfare was born in September 2010, and its annual cycle thus corresponds roughly to the beginning of the fall semester. The mental construct is a bit silly, since Lawfare has become a year-round operation. So I thought I would close the calendar year with a little statistical report on Lawfare operations in 2012---Harper's Index style and with a little help from Google Analytics.

Published by The Lawfare Institute
in Cooperation With

I tend to think of the Lawfare year as corresponding with the academic year, since Lawfare was born in September 2010, and its annual cycle thus corresponds roughly to the beginning of the fall semester. The mental construct is a bit silly, since Lawfare has become a year-round operation. So I thought I would close the calendar year with a little statistical report on Lawfare operations in 2012---Harper's Index style and with a little help from Google Analytics. So with all best wishes to our readers for a terrific New Year---and with warm appreciation to those readers serving overseas and in harm's way, here is the year in Lawfare:
  • Number of visits to Lawfare in 2012: 696,066
  • Percent growth in total visits from 2011: 30 percent
  • Number of unique visitors: 330,291
  • Top Lawfare-reading city in the world (beating New York by a factor of two): Washington DC
  • Third top Lawfare-reading city in the world (beating Cambridge, MA by more than a factor of three): Arlington, VA
  • Top Lawfare-reading country in the non-English-speaking world: Germany
  • Top Lawfare post of the year (proving that Lawfare readers are, in large numbers, very substantive): this one.
  • Runner-up to the top Lawfare post of the year (proving that Lawfare readers are, in large numbers, lovably quirky): this one.
  • Percentage of 2012 Lawfare traffic accounted for by people who have visited the site more than 50 times: 20 percent.
  • Percentage of 2012 Lawfare traffic accounted for by people who have visited the site only once: 46 percent.
  • Total number of Lawfare visits since the dawn of time: 1.33 million including 641,632 unique visitors.
Happy New Year!

Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.

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