Jamil N. Jaffer

Jamil N. Jaffer currently serves, among other things, as an Adjunct Professor of Law and Director of the Homeland and National Security Law Program at the George Mason University School of Law where he teaches classes on counterterrorism, intelligence, surveillance, cybersecurity, and other national security matters. Jamil is also affiliated with Stanford University’s Center for International Security and Cooperation and most recently served as the Chief Counsel and Senior Advisor for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Jamil also previously served as Senior Counsel to the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the U.S. House of Representatives and in the Bush Administration in a variety of capacities, including in the White House as an Associate Counsel to the President and in the Justice Department’s National Security Division as Counsel to the Assistant Attorney General for National Security. Jamil holds degrees from UCLA, the University of Chicago Law School, and the United States Naval War College.