Hosting Service Problems Caused This Morning's Lawfare Outage

Wells Bennett
Friday, August 2, 2013, 2:00 PM
Lawfare readers likely noticed already: for much of the day, the site was inaccessible.  It appears to be functioning now. The outage was entirely a consequence of acknowledged but undefined "issues" encountered by Bluehost--- Lawfare's web hosting service.  Scores of Bluehost accounts have been affected, judging by a rash of Twitter activity, comments left on Bluehost's Facebook page, and this article in Techeye.

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Lawfare readers likely noticed already: for much of the day, the site was inaccessible.  It appears to be functioning now. The outage was entirely a consequence of acknowledged but undefined "issues" encountered by Bluehost--- Lawfare's web hosting service.  Scores of Bluehost accounts have been affected, judging by a rash of Twitter activity, comments left on Bluehost's Facebook page, and this article in Techeye.    The latter begins:
Web hosting company Bluehost has suffered a major network outage, affecting thousands of websites and many customers. The company is in crisis mode on Twitter, reassuring users that it is "continuing to implement a solution" and "working to fix the issues". Bluehost earlier claimed sites were returning online but Twitter has been awash with complaints - with more coming in every few seconds. Seven hours ago now, Bluehost tweeted: "There was an unexpected issue while we were preforming maintenance on our network. Your account available in next few minutes."
At any rate, we're back up and running, and now return to our regularly-scheduled national security law programming.

Wells C. Bennett was Managing Editor of Lawfare and a Fellow in National Security Law at the Brookings Institution. Before coming to Brookings, he was an Associate at Arnold & Porter LLP.

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