Lawfare News

A Lawfare Thank You: Michael Broukhim

Benjamin Wittes
Friday, June 28, 2013, 7:09 AM
Only a small number of Lawfare readers have ever heard of Michael Broukhim, but he has played an important role in the development of this site. Broukhim is an internet entrepreneur who was, when we were contemplating starting Lawfare, still an undergraduate at Harvard, where he had become acquainted with Jack. He and his team built Lawfare and, until this week, have hosted it ever since.

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Only a small number of Lawfare readers have ever heard of Michael Broukhim, but he has played an important role in the development of this site. Broukhim is an internet entrepreneur who was, when we were contemplating starting Lawfare, still an undergraduate at Harvard, where he had become acquainted with Jack. He and his team built Lawfare and, until this week, have hosted it ever since. Those who appreciate the site's sleak, minimalist look have Broukhim and his folks to thank for its original design. One of the many skills that Lawfare's writers do not have is web development, PHP coding, and the other technical aspects of running a site like this one. Broukhim's willingness to help us out when Lawfare was little more than an idea turned out to be quite important to what it has become since. This week, with Lawfare now an independent non-profit organization, we migrated the site to permanent hosting. I wanted to take the opportunity of doing so to thank Broukhim for his invisible, but very significant, service to Lawfare over the years.

Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.

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