Motions Hearing in the 9/11 Case: 1/29 Session

Wells Bennett
Tuesday, January 29, 2013, 4:30 PM
Your correspondent returns to Fort Meade's Smallwood Hall, for Lawfare's CCTV coverage of a second day of hearings in United States v. Mohammed et.

Published by The Lawfare Institute
in Cooperation With

Your correspondent returns to Fort Meade's Smallwood Hall, for Lawfare's CCTV coverage of a second day of hearings in United States v. Mohammed et. al.  The day's motions are different, but our format remains the same: you'll find regular posts on our Events Coverage page, and links to those posts below, in this post---which will remain at the top of Lawfare's front page throughout the day. 1/29 Hearing #1: A New Lawyer, and Voluntariness 1/29 Hearing #2: On CCTV Stoppages and Forthcoming Orders 1/29 Hearing #3: Notice, Classified and Unclassified 1/29 Hearing #4: In Which a GTMO Sleepover is Debated 1/29 Hearing #5: More on Sleepovers 1/29 Hearing #6: GTMO Sleepover Part 3, and a Note about the ICRC 1/29 Hearing #7: Hurry Up With That Pleadings Review Already 1/29 Hearing #8- Al-Baluchi’s Telephone Call and a Delay of Game (Maybe) 1/29 Hearing #9: Maher Yes, Fox No, SCI Guy Maybe Later 

Wells C. Bennett was Managing Editor of Lawfare and a Fellow in National Security Law at the Brookings Institution. Before coming to Brookings, he was an Associate at Arnold & Porter LLP.

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