Lawfare News

Not All Arlington Lawfare Readers Eschew RSS Feeds

Benjamin Wittes
Monday, July 30, 2012, 5:58 PM
I just received the following email from Air Force General Counsel Charles A. Blanchard in response to my correspondent from San Francisco, who had hypothesized that West Coast Lawfare readers might be too technologically sophisticated to show up in our Google Analytics data: "At least some of us in 'the technophobic NY-DC-Alexandria Axis of Inertia' are savy enough to use RSS," Blanchard writes. So there. Arlington takes a stand

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I just received the following email from Air Force General Counsel Charles A. Blanchard in response to my correspondent from San Francisco, who had hypothesized that West Coast Lawfare readers might be too technologically sophisticated to show up in our Google Analytics data: "At least some of us in 'the technophobic NY-DC-Alexandria Axis of Inertia' are savy enough to use RSS," Blanchard writes. So there. Arlington takes a stand

Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.

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