Please Rate and Review the Lawfare Podcast

Benjamin Wittes
Saturday, November 9, 2013, 9:33 AM
Over the last months, the listenership of the Lawfare Podcast has risen notably. It used to be that an episode would get about 400 downloads; that's now up to a baseline of about 1,200---and sometimes much higher than that. And it's still rising. Here's asking your help in building on that. Growing a podcast audience turns out to be rather different from generating a website's readership. For one thing, web sites to a much greater extent than podcasts stand on their own two feet. You write good, useful content, and over time, people will come---and they find their own way there.

Published by The Lawfare Institute
in Cooperation With

Over the last months, the listenership of the Lawfare Podcast has risen notably. It used to be that an episode would get about 400 downloads; that's now up to a baseline of about 1,200---and sometimes much higher than that. And it's still rising. Here's asking your help in building on that. Growing a podcast audience turns out to be rather different from generating a website's readership. For one thing, web sites to a much greater extent than podcasts stand on their own two feet. You write good, useful content, and over time, people will come---and they find their own way there. Most people, by contrast, reach podcasts through intermediaries: Apple's iTunes store, for example, or Stitcher or some other service that aggregates and distributes podcasts. On these sites, ratings and reviews do a lot of work in determining a podcast's visibility to new readers---whether it is simply there for those who know about it already or whether it gets suggested to new listeners. So if you listen to the podcast through one of these aggregators, please rate us and write a short (or long) review. Or just click the like or thumbs-up button---or whatever it is that the service you use has to mark approval. You'll be helping to spread the word. Many thanks.

Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.

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