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Announcing the Lawfare Podcast

Benjamin Wittes
Monday, January 30, 2012, 12:09 AM
It is a great pleasure to announce the first episode of the Lawfare Podcast:

Published by The Lawfare Institute
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It is a great pleasure to announce the first episode of the Lawfare Podcast: The Lawfare Podcast quite literally speaks for itself, so I won't spend a lot of time introducing it. Like a lot of things we do on this blog, it's an experiment. The first episode is a discussion with journalist Shane Harris about a fascinating new article he has written, entitled "Out of the Loop: The Human-Free Future of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles," which was recently published as part of the the Hoover Institution Task Force on National Security and Law’s Emerging Threats series. Ken discussed the article here. A few logistical notes on the podcast. I do not know at this stage how frequently new episodes of the podcast will appear. I hope we will be producing them reasonably regularly, but I am specifically not promising a particular schedule. The aim is to produce a stream of high-quality audio content, featuring events, interviews, roundtable discussions, and the like. But I'm not sure at this stage how often it will appear. I have submitted the podcast to iTunes for distribution. It is under review there, and I will notify readers as soon as the podcast can be accessed through iTunes. In addition, I will be embedding each new episode in a post--as I did here. And the entire podcast series will be available on the Lawfare Podcast Page. Many thanks to Shane for being the podcast guinea pig. And thanks as well to Alan Rozenshtein, who did a lot of the legwork to get the podcast running, and to my friend Sophia Yan, who took the time to record some Chopin for the podcast. Enjoy!

Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.