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Lawfare Daily: Katie Moussouris on Bug Bounties

Benjamin Wittes, Katie Moussouris, Jen Patja
Monday, August 12, 2024, 8:00 AM
What is the role of bug bounties in cybersecurity?

Published by The Lawfare Institute
in Cooperation With

Lawfare Editor-in-Chief Benjamin Wittes sits down with Katie Moussouris of Luta Security to talk bug bounties. Where do they come from? What is their proper role in cybersecurity? What are they good for, and most importantly, what are they not good for? Moussouris was among the hackers who first did bug bounties at scale—for Microsoft, and then for the Pentagon. Now she helps companies set up bug bounty programs and is dismayed by how they are being used.

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Katie Moussouris: What we're actually seeing is extremely small companies trying to do bug bounties and trying to use it to replace their own internal security processes and efforts. So you're seeing, you know, basically a misalignment of investment in cybersecurity being crowdsourced as opposed to being in housed.

Benjamin Wittes: It's the Lawfare Podcast. I'm Benjamin Wittes, editor-in-chief of Lawfare, with Katie Moussouris of Luta Security.

Katie Moussouris: Where should you be in terms of your security maturity? How many incidents or bugs of a certain type should you have, you know, as an organization if you're actually handling yourself properly? Nobody expects zero bugs, but it's how you react to them and, you know, your own internal resilience that's not really being measured right now.

Benjamin Wittes: Today we're talking about bug bounties, their history, what they're good for, and what they're not good for.

[Main Podcast]

So, I want to start with a question that I think you probably get a lot, which is, how does somebody get into the field of bug bounties? What was the trajectory by which you went from not being a person who thought about bug bounties to being a person who thought about bug bounties?

Katie Moussouris: Well, I think for me, it was, you know, it was fairly early days in the broader adoption of bug bounties. So, think back to 2010, when Google started their bug bounty. And before that, the only bug bounty of note that existed, you know, really, was the Netscape bug bounty, which became the Mozilla bug bounty. And that had just sat at you know, 500 bucks since the mid-90s. So up until 2010, there really wasn't much going on in bug bounty land.

When Google launched their bug bounty program, they had also, two years before, just launched a brand-new web browser. And it was quickly gaining market share. And that started, you know, propelling Microsoft into thinking more seriously about paying for bugs, because previously they had sworn they would never pay for bugs.

Benjamin Wittes: Who were you at that point? You were a Microsoft programmer, you had a bit of a hacking background. How did you get into this? What's your trajectory?

Katie Moussouris: Well, I actually never wrote any code for Microsoft, so you can't blame me for any of its bugs or its patches. I was a security program manager. So meaning I was in charge of creating new programs to work with the hacker community. You know, it takes one to know one kind of thing. You know, my previous background was as a professional hacker. My unprofessional hacking days, you know, were back before the internet really had much to depend on you know, or much of us depending on it.

So, you know, my career trajectory as a whole, you know, as an arc was really from the early stages of the Internet when it was just hackers just doing things for fun to more and more of the commercial and government dependency on the Internet. And suddenly, those of us with hacking skills, you know, could make a living doing ethical hacking and pointing out flaws. And by the time I got to Microsoft, I had actually hung up my hacking hat, and wasn't hacking professionally anymore, but actually just, you know, working with hackers and building better bridges between, you know, the biggest software company in the world and the hackers who knew how to break it.

Benjamin Wittes: You created this program at Microsoft for which we should be clear, you have, don't work anymore and have not worked for quite some time.

Katie Moussouris: A decade. Yes.

Benjamin Wittes: You created this program, this bug bounty program for Microsoft. Walk us through how a bug bounty program works and why Microsoft shifted gears and went from kind of never paying for a discovery of a flaw to please try to hack us just disclose it and we'll pay you. What was what was the thinking there and what was the nature of the program?

Katie Moussouris: Well, you know, it was kind of like boiling a frog. We had to start really slowly because while Microsoft was used to receiving bug reports from the public. You know, hackers would find things and they would report them out of their own good nature and with the hopes of having their name appear in a Microsoft security bulletin with credit for finding the bug and reporting it.

So what happened was I started a program a few years earlier than the bug bounty program, and that was Microsoft Vulnerability Research, and that was us looking for bugs in third party code. So much like the big CrowdStrike disaster that happened recently you know, not saying that, that my program would have caught that, but that was the kind of thing we were looking for. We were looking for ways to avert disaster initiated by third party bugs.

So, I was working on that program and we needed a way to publish security advisories that we, for bugs that we found. So I ended up writing the very first formal vulnerability disclosure policy for Microsoft. Previously, you know, it had only ever had a policy that just said, we'll thank you if you report things quietly to us and give us a chance to fix it. You know, that was, that was pretty much the only policy in place before that. But we needed a policy to work if we were the finders of the bug, under what circumstances might we go out and publish vulnerability details and guidance, et cetera. So I wrote that policy to be, you know, multi-directional if we were the finder of the bug, if we were the receiver of the bug, and if we were the coordinator of the bug in, you know, some sort of supply chain scenario.

Fast forward, I got Microsoft to agree to pay for remediation ideas. So, for fixes and for new architecture changes that might prevent exploitability. And slowly the frog was starting to heat up at this point. Microsoft knew that Google, one of its, you know, rising competitors in the browser space, was paying for bugs. But Microsoft, at the time, was getting over a quarter million potential bug reports for free. So that was over a quarter million to 300,000 non-spam email messages a year were being reported in as potential issues to investigate. So you can imagine that Microsoft was very, very cautious and didn't want to dangle a cash reward, you know, in front of what was already a fire hose.

Benjamin Wittes: Presumably though, the hacker who has discovered the highest value bugs are the least likely to report it without some incentive, right? Because they have the strongest financial incentive to do something else with it and you know, that versus maybe getting thanked in a security bulletin is a tougher sell than, for example, Microsoft paying some significant amount of money versus the high value nature of the exploit under the you know, on the, on whatever dark web market is available, right? I mean, there, the 250,000 are not the highest value possible bugs, right?

Katie Moussouris: Well, it's interesting that you bring up price because there's a broad misunderstanding about, you know, needing to compete with the offense market. You know, and not all offense market buyers are illegitimate. Some are governments and law enforcement looking for exploits to use against criminals, terrorists, child, you know, traffickers, nation states of, you know, that, that wish to do us harm. So not all bug sellers are unethical and not all bug buyers are either. but presumably, you're saying, you know, that if you

Bould sell a bug and it's worth, you know, a lot of money, you would not necessarily report it to the vendor for a lesser amount, like say a bug bounty amount, or for free. And that's actually not the case. A lot of people want to see the bug get fixed. And if you are selling in the offense market, you are specifically selling to a market that you know does not want to see that bug fixed before they can use it for its intended purpose. So, there are a lot of other reasons besides money to disclose a bug to a vendor and not the least of which is that maybe you use that technology or you realize that society depends upon that technology and you would like to catch an airplane sometime and not have that bug hanging out there unfixed. So you know, there are more reasons than just money.

But that kind of brings me to the point of how we started the Microsoft bug bounties was it wasn't simply just, you know, we'll pay for any bug that turns up, you know, turns out to be a security vulnerability. It was specifically asking for bugs in the Internet Explorer beta version because previous to the bug bounty, hackers were finding bugs, reporting them for free. But they were waiting until the beta period was over and they were doing that because the only way they could get credit in Microsoft security bulletin was if there was an actual bulletin and you wouldn't ship a bulletin for a bug that only affected the beta product.

So it was kind of a lose-lose situation for, you know, both Microsoft and the users because as soon as the beta period was over, suddenly Microsoft had to patch all of these bugs that had been sat on by well-meaning researchers who just wanted credit. So we put a bounty at the beginning of the beta period and we shifted the traffic of, you know, that group of hackers that were already going to report those bugs to Microsoft and we shifted them too much earlier in, you know, the release cycle.

And we also looked for, we also paid for exploitation techniques. And that's not something that we had to necessarily compete with the offense market to get. Because if you think about it, if an existing exploitation technique works, all you have to find is a zero-day vulnerability and write an exploit that exploits that particular vulnerability. And you can use the same technique over and over again as long as it still works. You don't need to invest in finding new techniques, but Microsoft definitely wanted to invest in understanding how to defeat new exploitation techniques.

Benjamin Wittes: So, this idea of having a robust, systematic bug bounty program really catches on in the mid-teens, right?

Katie Moussouris: I'd say, yeah, it really took off with Hack the Pentagon. So, Microsoft, we launched our bug bounties in 2013. And Hack the Pentagon came about three years later. And that was also a direct result of, you know, the Pentagon, you know, noticing that the biggest software company in the world, with all of its complexity and its, you know, multiple layers of supported software and versions, was able to make this work for them. And so the Pentagon asked me to come brief them after you know, Dr. Michael Sulmeyer had, who was working at the Pentagon at the time, saw me give a guest lecture that in a joint symposium between Harvard Kennedy School and MIT Sloan School, where I was talking about the game theory and the economic theory and all of these elements that went into the creation of Microsoft's first bug bounties.

And he was intrigued. He asked me to come and brief the Pentagon, and that began, you know, a long multiyear conversation that resulted in the very first bug bounty program of the U.S. government. In fact, it was called Hack the Pentagon against the best wishes of some of the members of the intelligence community. But you know, that I think was the major tipping point. So Microsoft was the first domino or actually Google was the first domino. Microsoft was a big heavy domino that came about three years later. And then the Pentagon I think was, was the biggest one that spawned broad adoption around the world.

Benjamin Wittes: And since then, you have left Microsoft and started a company, Luta Security, that sort of focuses on bug bounties and consulting about them. So, tell us a little bit about what the state of the market is now. If you're a company, how big are you before you likely have a bug bounty program? And if you're a hacker, how do you go about approaching companies? What's the ecosystem of the bug bounty look like today?

Katie Moussouris: Well, you know, honestly, I had hoped it would help mature security at scale, you know, around the world, but just like, you know, the dawn of professional penetration testing or professional hacking at the beginning of the millennium, you know, a wave of professionalizing hacking and hiring hackers, that didn't solve security either. So it turns out, you know, that bug bounties are more of an ad hoc version of, you know, hacking for hire that has been going on for 25 years or more.

Benjamin Wittes: So wait, slow down and unpack that.

Katie Moussouris: Yeah. So back in 1999, a company called @stake that was formed from the hacker group, the L0pht, started professionalizing hacking. They weren't the only company. A few handful of companies around that same time blossomed in the early internet. And they found a market, and that market was, you know, starting to be companies and banks and to a smaller extent, governments that wanted to understand their risk and so hired professional hackers.

And I was part of @stake, so I was part of that first wave of professional hackers. And we thought at the time that this is great, you know, hacking is legitimized. We're professionals now, people are hiring us, they want to know about their bugs. And they're going to fix them. It was the and they're going to fix them part that we got wrong.

And unfortunately, fast forward now it's, you know, penetration testing or professional hacking, same as, as it ever was for the last 25 years plus this sort of ad hoc bug bounty, you know, crowdsourced version where you don't have to sign a contract ahead of time and you don't have to strictly define so many parameters. You do set a scope and margins, you know, where you don't want them to cross you know, in general, if they're playing nice with you. But it's, you know, it's a much more crowdsourced version of the same thing. And what I was hoping would have happened in the last decade of bug bounties is that once organizations understood how vulnerable they were by strangers that weren't even being paid up front to go looking for bugs, if strangers could find bugs and point them out, that we'd see an uptick in overall maturity. And we just haven't seen it. And I think I know why.

Benjamin Wittes: Well, that leads me to the obvious next question, which is why?

Katie Moussouris: Right. So I think that a lot of organizations are, you know, using bug bounties the same way they use penetration tests. They are fixing one bug at a time and they're not looking for systemic issues and they're not improving their processes. And the way that we look at it is we call that bug bounty Botox. You know, you're only pretty on the outside. And you had asked earlier, how big does an organization need to get before they do a bug bounty? Well, I think they need to be fairly far along. But what we're actually seeing is extremely small companies trying to do bug bounties and trying to use it to replace their own internal security processes and efforts.

So you're seeing, you know, basically a misalignment of investment in cybersecurity being crowdsourced as opposed to being in-housed. And I think that's a big problem. So what we recommend to people is that, you know, your organization should be preventing as many bugs as possible, finding as many bugs as possible. And bug bounties are really for the issues that you miss. And every bug that is reported through a bug bounty program isn't just a singular bug to fix, it's, you know, it's a breadcrumb to the path to improving your processes, so you never make that same kind of mistake again.

Benjamin Wittes: So, you serve on, or have served on, the I forget what it's called, the sort of—

Katie Moussouris: The Cyber Safety Review Board?

Benjamin Wittes: The Cyber Safety Review Board. I was going to analogize it to the National Transportation Safety Board, which did this quite devastating report on Microsoft, I guess, either early this year or last year, late last year sometime. And of course, as half of our listeners have been on flights that were delayed or canceled because of the CrowdStrike slash Microsoft update problem. I'm very interested in your sense of you know, how much of this is a Microsoft problem? How much of it is a CrowdStrike problem? And kind of what are the lessons that we should take from it and should have anticipated, or, or are there ones that we should have anticipated here?

Katie Moussouris: No, absolutely. So, as you know, I served on the CSRB. My two-year appointment was over and I and a bunch of other board members rolled off to make room for new board members. So, and I was actually recused from the Microsoft report along with, you know, other competitors and partners of Microsoft. So that report was done with a subset of the board at the time.

But to answer your question about the CrowdStrike incident. This was a CrowdStrike problem. This was not a Microsoft problem. And in fact, you know, CrowdStrike made architectural choices of executing code in the kernel that some of its competitors do not do. You can do similar levels of protection against threats without having to execute anything in kernel space. So it would have been a lot safer if they had made a different architectural decision. And then they made a testing mistake. They did not test this, you know, new content update in you know, a dynamic way. They simply looked at the file, they had a file validator and they looked at the file and said, it looks good. And then they just pushed it out into millions of Windows machines.

So they had coding mistakes, testing mistakes, and then they had process mistakes. And those were the ones that they definitely should have known better as well. You know, earlier this year, CrowdStrike had affected a number of Linux machines, you know, so, you know, taking Microsoft completely out of the equation, CrowdStrike, you know, has struck before. And in fact, the CEO of CrowdStrike was the CTO at McAfee in 2010 when a similar Windows boot loop situation came into play.

So, all of this, you know, I would say is, you know, underlines the fragility of the Internet as a whole and the fact that, you know, this vendor had kernel level access and was not testing properly and wasn't rolling things out in a graduated fashion. I mean, those are all lessons to be learned throughout the industry. But I do think that CrowdStrike is an outlier among its peers in what it was doing and you know, the fact that it didn't even give its users the ability to control those updates that would just happen in the background. They give their users the ability to control code updates, but not these content, these channel file updates. And it turns out that the code that reads the channel file, you know, that, that was already on the machines.

Benjamin Wittes: And I mean, obviously it'll produce changes in the way CrowdStrike does, or one hopes that it will produce changes in the way CrowdStrike does business going forward. Do you, I mean, one thing that strikes me is that it raises the issue, we often talk about, you know, Windows and Microsoft as a sort of dangerous monoculture. But here you have a vendor that will huge numbers of people are using, with the ability to take down stuff en, en masse as a result of accidents. How should we think about the pervasive use of entities like Cloudflare and CrowdStrike that are actually security vendors, but they're so pervasive that errors in there have security implications for, you know, millions of users such that they have systemic implications?

Katie Moussouris: I mean, what's the question exactly?

Benjamin Wittes: Well, the question is, we worry about things, particularly operating systems that are so pervasive that you know, a small flaw or a vulnerability in them can have systemic-level implications. We don't tend to think, well, the security vendors that we're hiring to protect generally individual systems become similarly so pervasive that they raise the same concerns, particularly in interaction with the dominant carriers, the Windows or the the Linuxes. And so I guess I'm like, it, the incident makes me worried about how many different actors we have to worry are this, we use this pervasively?

Katie Moussouris: Well, you know, what you uncovered is one of the reasons why Microsoft releases patches on the second Tuesday of the month. One, it's to minimize disruption, and two, it's to conduct extensive testing, and it's not just about testing, you know, its own software in a vacuum. But it actually does a series of tests for interoperability with third party software. And it learned to do this because of exactly what you're talking about, reliability issues that, even if they affected a fraction of machines, had an outsized effect.

And so that was part of the reason why, back in 2007, I was able to get Microsoft to agree to spend some of its resources looking for security holes in third party products you know, through the Microsoft Vulnerability Research Program. And that was exactly what, you know, justification I was using is that look, you know, harm to the Windows ecosystem is harm to the Internet as a whole. And we're not the only ones who are running code on Windows machines. So we have to look to these third parties.

But I think that to your point about security vendors being very pervasive and introducing risk, that has been, you know, we've been blowing that horn among cyber security practitioners for decades. We have been saying that look, software is software and software has bugs. So your security software almost certainly has bugs. And we've seen incidents like this, you know, in the past, they just, you know, didn't happen to ground all the flights at once for a few days.

I think, to your point, what this is doing is it's raising the level of awareness of interconnectedness and complexity. And I almost think that, you know, a big focus for us when we're looking at resilience and how to improve that for economic reasons, for national security reasons, when we're looking at resilience, we don't necessarily need to outrun threat actors as much as we need to outrun complexity. And that's the big problem for us to solve in cybersecurity.

Benjamin Wittes: I want to come back to the complexity point, but what's the solution to the vendors introducing risk problem? I mean, you can imagine a sort of market of vendors to protect against the security flaws of cyber security vendors, and then it's kind of vendors all the way down. Is the solution for the CrowdStrikes of the world to be more careful? Or is there some more systemic way we should be thinking about it when we, when, you know, companies hire a cybersecurity vendor to think through the risk that that vendor is going to introduce?

Katie Moussouris: Well, you know, it's, in the case of CrowdStrike, they definitely needed to follow secure, you know, coding practices. Secure coding practices include dynamically testing anything that that changes the operation of your software, including a configuration or channel file like they did, like they had, and they did not perform that that test. So, you know, having any vendor who is writing code try to write it more securely from the beginning and follow best practices, including dynamic testing is, you know, something that, that they should all be making sure their processes cover that.

I think Microsoft had already done its part where, you know, when it allows third parties to have drivers that are kernel drivers like CrowdStrike did, the kernel driver itself goes through a bunch of different tests and before it's certified by Microsoft. So Microsoft was already aware that, you know, if we're going to allow third party kernel drivers, we do need to put them through a series of tests. The problem with this model was that, you know, again, CrowdStrike was making some choices about where it was executing these volatile files that change every day. And you know, all of these things combined basically created this perfect storm that we all lived through.

Benjamin Wittes: So, I want to come back to complexity. You know, I've been hearing this argument, complexity is the enemy of security, for well more than a decade. And everybody seems to accept it. And it doesn't seem to alter anybody's behavior. Like, I don't know any software vendor who's like, you know, we're not going to introduce this new feature, because it would just add to the attack surface. And so, you know, users can have a phone that doesn't send pictures. You know, I just don't know what the, what the actor is who's refrained from adding complexity to the system. You know, even Signal, right, keeps adding new features, right? And they're the ones who were supposed to put security first and for all I know, do so.

And so, the observation that complexity is the enemy of security does not seem at any part level of the system to operate as a resistance to adding complexity. And so, I want to ask you to try to square that circle for me. We all know this, we all believe it, and it all doesn't change our behavior. What good is the observation if it doesn't cause us to have a simpler internet, simpler attacks, or lessened attack surfaces, and all of which amounts to fewer features?

Katie Moussouris: Well, I think you took a walk around the actual cause of complexity, which is consumer demand and market, you know, basically the market forces at work here. People aren't going to buy things if they don't keep getting new features. And I think that the counter to that and the way that we try and address that and balance it out is there need to be some constructive ways to hold organizations accountable and liable for negligence in building their software.

And I'm not talking just blanket software liability, which is not, it's not feasible for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is its potential to stifle innovation and you know, favor the incumbents, you know, per se, in the software industry. But I do think that, you know, complexity's cause is market forces, and I do think there, there might be some market forces that could be applied in accountability for software negligence.

And one example of that, you know, could be a liability, you know, software liability structure. But I would say that, you know, the investors would have to be liable as well. The folks who are pushing for, you know, getting as many users as possible before hiring a security team. That is the status quo right now in building new software companies. And you know, I hacked Clubhouse, the audio software social networking app. They had five employees at the time that I hacked them, but they had no security team. They did have a bug bounty and they had a hundred million dollars of VC money in the bank, and 10 million users they were responsible for. So all of the incentives are aligned towards user acquisition, feature build out, complexity build out, and insecurity. And that's the part that the incentives have to work as pressure to, to stop that from going out of control.

Benjamin Wittes: So you mentioned earlier that your hacking days were over and that you weren't a professional hacker anymore. I would be remiss as an interviewer if I didn't ask you what were you doing hacking Clubhouse?

Katie Moussouris: You know, Ben, hackcidents happen. I can't, I cannot lie. This sometimes happens, right? Look, when you know how to spot bugs, sometimes you just kick the tires a little bit and a bug falls out. So, that was pretty much what happened with Clubhouse.

It was literally in the middle of an update. I happened to have two phones. I installed the new version on a new phone while I was still dialed into an audio room on the old phone, using the old software. And I used the new phone to leave the room, but I was still dialed in, and so I was a ghost. I was able to speak and disrupt the room, I was able to listen without being observed, and there was no way for an administrator to kick me out. So that was truly a hackcident. I mean, you cannot blame me for just, I mean, wiggling it a little bit, and a bug fell out.

Benjamin Wittes: But let's play with it. So, when you notice this bug walk us through what happens. So, you hackcidentally notice that this darling of Silicon Valley, in the middle of this update, has a problem. What did you do?

Katie Moussouris: Well, as the coauthor and coeditor of the International Standards on Vulnerability Disclosure, I followed the standards and I attempted to identify a security contact. That took me a couple of weeks. They really did not make it easy. Finally, I found that they did have an email address. And I emailed them, essentially asking if this was the right place to report a bug to them. I got an autoresponder. And then by the time I got a person, so this all took several weeks. And meanwhile, this bug was still active while I was simply just trying to hunt down the right contact.

Finally, I got a person responding saying, yes, we have a bug bounty program. Please go over to this bug bounty platform and register. Now, I don't register and report bugs through bug bounty platforms because they typically have a non-disclosure agreement. If you sign up and report through here, you're agreeing not to disclose the bug until it's fixed. And for me and for a lot of researchers, I'm not interested in bounty. I'm interested in getting the bug fixed. And if that means that that, you know, after some reasonable period of time, I have to publicly disclose it myself so that users understand their risk, then I'm going to go ahead and do that. So I refused. I kindly turned down their bug bounty program offer.

And I said, look, if it qualifies for a bounty, I'm going to donate it anyway, which I did. And you know, I just want to see this get fixed. So back and forth happened. Finally, I get on a Zoom with turns out the CTO and co-founder of Clubhouse. And I was quite surprised. It was in that call that I asked, you know, well, is there someone from your security team you want me to talk to? You know, you really didn't have to take this call yourself. And he said, well, I'm handling security right now. And I realized the company was a lot smaller than its 10 million user footprint would lead you to believe. At that point, I asked him how many, how many folks he had. And he said, well, we're hiring right now, but there's only five of us. And I was shocked. I was floored.

Anyway, I coordinated the disclosure of the issue, you know, they released a patch. I took a look at it, and my same attack vector didn't work of using two phones. However, I knew, as a hacker, that there, probably didn't fix it all the way, you know, and that they just kind of address that one vector. So when I wrote up a blog about it, I said that, you know, I said, well, it appears to be mitigated, but it might not be fixed. And they didn't really like that in the blog, and I said, well, I'm not going to spend time writing a custom tool to bypass your user interface and talk directly to the server and see if I can still carry out the attack. But, you know, I will say that it appears to be mitigated.

You know, long story short once I released the blog and a Wired article came out about it, people came out of the woodwork telling me that they had tried telling Clubhouse about this bug for some of them, you know, close to a year before. They had discovered it, you know, maybe just switching phones and things like that. So non-security practitioners could find this flaw and they were ignored. I think I wasn't ignored because I did let them know that I would publicly disclose it. And I did have to pull a little bit of do you know who I am and I link to a video of me describing the international standards that I was attempting to follow and they were not, you know, making it easy for me. So that's kind of the story of the hackcident that was Clubhouse. But yeah.

Benjamin Wittes: And how typical is that? When you described early on companies that were essentially trying to outsource their security through bug bounty programs, this is a picturesque example of that, and I suspect you had it on your mind. Is this a pervasive practice now in the industry?

Katie Moussouris: It really is. And honestly, venture capital backed startups, as soon as they start gaining a little traction, they'll think to themselves, well, I don't really want to make my next hire a security person. I want to make my next hire, you know, a developer, a marketing person, a salesperson. So those are the jobs that the VCs are telling them to hire for. Some of them do realize they need to do something about security. And they figure a bug bounty is a quick and dirty way to point out the most obvious flaws.

They're not necessarily wrong about that, but then who's going to fix them? And who in that skeleton crew is going to take time out of feature development to go back and potentially even re architect the whole solution from the ground up? They don't have time for that. So they get into it sort of backwards.

And when startups come to us and tell us that they want to start a bug bounty and they'd like to know, you know, how to do it, we start them with a maturity assessment. And they usually don't like what they get back from that because it says you're not ready. You're not, you can't handle the truth. You're not ready for this. And you know, you need to do some homework first and, and, you know, build up your core strength before you, you know, go in and try and be a professional bodybuilder, you know?

Benjamin Wittes: So as the, not the mother of bug bounty programs, but the person who really created or, or one of the people who really created them at scale for, you know, major corporations and entities. When you look at this development, do you feel like you've created a monster and that you've, you created this tool that's really useful for what it's useful for, but it's not, was never meant to be a replacement for having serious internal security practices and it's being used for this effect that it's really not going to serve?

Katie Moussouris: Well, you know, I will definitely take credit for popularizing bounties at scale. But the creating a monster part, I think, you know, I think that the collective circumstances under which bug bounties became really popular were, you know, these VC backed platforms. And if you look at who the VCs were—

Benjamin Wittes: Pause a minute and explain what these, because when you first explained these platforms to me they kind of blew my mind. What is a bug bounty platform?

Katie Moussouris: It is, a bug bounty platform is a ticketing system with ease of payment built in and some triage services. Meaning, you know, the bugs will come in and some workers at the platform will assess whether or not those bugs are real or whether they're duplicates of other bugs that have already been received. And then they will throw that bug over the fence to the vendor. And the idea is that only valid bugs are getting paid for and that the vendor receiving the bugs, you know, doesn't have to separate the signal from noise. So that's what those platforms do.

Benjamin Wittes: So it's basically eBay for, for exploits and bugs.

Katie Moussouris: Yeah, sort of, but it's more like, you know, a bug reporting system. So just, a ticketing system of any kind, right? You know, you have customer support ticketing systems. You have, you know, various ticketing systems for, for getting issues resolved. It's just a ticketing system front end. And the services on top of it, usually offered by the bug bounty companies, are very narrow. They are just initial triage. Is it or isn't it a bug? And is it or isn't it a duplicate? And were they ever reward or not? And then the ease of payment is built in.

So, but getting back to what has happened in this ecosystem, I think a large part of it is that the venture capitalists who backed these bug bounty platforms are the same ones that back other gig economy platforms and marketplaces like Uber and Lyft and Instacart. These are the same exact VC partners that said, why don't we do, you know, a marketplace for gig economy and cyber security? Unlike Uber or Lyft or Instacart or any of those, bug bounties are actually the worst deal for the gig workers. Because if you think about it, if you are an Uber driver and you accept a ride and you go ahead and do the work, spend the gas money, you know, all of that stuff and deliver your passenger to the airport, you will get paid.

If you are a bug bounty hunter, it doesn't work like that. You can do all the work, find the bug, write the report. And if you are not the first person to find that bug and report it, you don't get anything. So it's like getting to the airport and finding out you're, you weren't the fastest to get to the airport, so therefore you're not going to get paid. So it's the worst gig economy job there is, and that's part of, you know, how it's grown in a poor direction.

And then the other part is that it hasn't improved security outcomes and security maturity. And that part, again, is, I think, the focus on growth and getting people to do bug bounties and vulnerability disclosure programs, which vulnerability disclosure programs are just bug bounties without the cash, right? It's just with a thank you or a t-shirt or whatnot. But getting people to do these programs before they are ready and wondering, you know, why the industry hasn't really improved in terms of its cybersecurity maturity. I don't know, maybe, it's something where we're going to hit a turning point with not just gig workers, you know, and labor rights, but also with expecting more out of security practices in terms of outcomes and measurable maturity.

That's certainly something that, that has been lacking in the practice of security. It's kind of a scattershot practice. There are all these best practices, but nobody is measuring best outcomes. Where should you be in terms of your security maturity? How many incidents or bugs of a certain type should you have, you know, as an organization, if you're actually handling yourself properly? Nobody expects zero bugs, but it's how you react to them and, you know, your own internal resilience that's not really being measured right now.

Benjamin Wittes: So, you're arguing in effect for a bug bounty program as an integrated part of a larger security apparatus that is designed to catch what that larger security apparatus misses rather than to substitute for a kind of end-to-end thinking through how we're going to handle the vulnerabilities in the software that we're creating.

Katie Moussouris: That's precisely it. And, you know, proponents of bounty first, ask questions later will say, well, no, no, it's a very cheap and easy way for organizations that are new to security to get an idea of where they need to remediate first. And then they can build out from there. But that last part of and then they can build out from there typically doesn't happen.

You know, I'll give you an example: Zoom at the beginning of the pandemic. We were already working with them before the pandemic started and working with them to improve their security maturity. Because they found they were using both of the major bug bounty platforms that are out there, and they were not able to keep up with the volume of bugs that that were being reported that were legitimate bugs and needed to be fixed. And so they had a broken process on the inside and they had reached out to us saying, we're told you're the only ones that help with this part. You know, we're basically the ones that, that, guide them through that last mile of how do you get bugs fixed and how do you remediate the process that led to the bug in the first place.

So we started working with them, then the pandemic struck. And much like getting overwhelmed in emergency rooms and hospitals, Zoom's intake of bugs shot through the roof and it was, it was a huge deluge of reports. And so we, in about 10 weeks, got them a 40 percent reduction of their, you know, caseload of bugs, their bug volume by getting a lot of these issues fixed. And we put processes in place before we left, such that they'd be able to keep up with the volume. But they were a publicly traded company that was running on two separate bug bounty platforms, and they still could not keep up. And that was because that, that missing internal plumbing, they had a front door and the bugs were piling up just on the other side of it.

Benjamin Wittes: So like every good thing in cybersecurity, good thing does not equal magic bullet.

Katie Moussouris: Correct. And also, spending a ton of money in cybersecurity doesn't necessarily mean you're more secure. It just means you spent a lot of money.

Benjamin Wittes: We are going to leave it there. Katie Moussouris, you are a great American and a super diverse and interesting mind, and it is always a pleasure to talk to you.

Katie Moussouris: Great talking to you too. Hopefully next time we can go on a field trip and shine some lights on the embassy.

Benjamin Wittes: The Lawfare Podcast is produced in cooperation with the Brookings Institution. You can get ad-free versions of this and other Lawfare podcasts by becoming a material supporter of Lawfare using our website, You'll also get access to special events and other content available only to our supporters.

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This podcast is edited by Jen Patja. Our theme song is from Alibi Music. As always, thanks for listening.

Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.
Katie Moussouris is the founder and CEO of a cybersecurity company called Luta Security. She also sit on three Federal cyber advisory boards: DHS/CISA’s Cyber Safety Review Board, NIST’s Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board, and Commerce’s Information Security Technical Advisory Council.
Jen Patja is the editor and producer of the Lawfare Podcast and Rational Security. She currently serves as the Co-Executive Director of Virginia Civics, a nonprofit organization that empowers the next generation of leaders in Virginia by promoting constitutional literacy, critical thinking, and civic engagement. She is the former Deputy Director of the Robert H. Smith Center for the Constitution at James Madison's Montpelier and has been a freelance editor for over 20 years.