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Lawfare Podcast Episode #11: Jennifer Daskal on the Geography of the Battlefield

Benjamin Wittes
Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 4:02 PM
Ken already wrote up Jen Daskal’s new article, “The Geography of the Battlefield: A Framework for Detention and Targeting Outside of the ‘Hot’ Conflict Zone,” so I won’t summarize it again here. It’s a particularly thoughtful piece and will challenge those who come to the subject from the security world, the human rights world, or—as Jen does—both.

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Ken already wrote up Jen Daskal’s new article, “The Geography of the Battlefield: A Framework for Detention and Targeting Outside of the ‘Hot’ Conflict Zone,” so I won’t summarize it again here. It’s a particularly thoughtful piece and will challenge those who come to the subject from the security world, the human rights world, or—as Jen does—both. Jen is currently a fellow at the Georgetown Center on National Security and the Law, but she has done stints at both Human Rights Watch and at the National Security Division of the Justice Department. She thus brings an uncommon set of sensibilities, as well as a great deal of her own thought, to the vexing question of how we should think about confronting terrorists who are outside of obvious battlefields but nonetheless reasonably within the ambit of the AUMF. Jen dropped by the other day for a chat about the article, which I highly recommend.

Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.