Lawfare News

A Big Lawfare Announcement: Wells Bennett Becomes Managing Editor

Benjamin Wittes
Thursday, April 18, 2013, 10:00 AM
I am delighted to announce the appointment of Lawfare's first managing editor: Wells C. Bennett. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="160"] Wells C. Bennett[/caption] Wells is already well-known to Lawfare readers; he has spent the past year as our special correspondent and was a contributor to the site before that.

Published by The Lawfare Institute
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I am delighted to announce the appointment of Lawfare's first managing editor: Wells C. Bennett. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="160"] Wells C. Bennett[/caption] Wells is already well-known to Lawfare readers; he has spent the past year as our special correspondent and was a contributor to the site before that. In these capacities, he has already made an enormous contribution to Lawfare, having written 366 posts that have ranged from from real-time military commission coverage to careful analysis of proposed legislation and recent habeas decisions. We are thrilled he has agreed to stay on in this new role and look forward to bringing readers the wealth of additional coverage and content having him as managing editor will allow us to produce. The creation of this position was made possible by support from the Markle Foundation. None of us involved in the creation of this site remotely anticipated either its growth or its impact, and we have been altogether surprised to find ourselves having built a non-profit media operation that requires a great deal of day-to-day management. We are enormously grateful to the Markle Foundation for helping us build a management group that can include people like Wells, that can help Lawfare grow, and that can bring readers the highest quality analysis, journalism, and scholarship in the multimedia world. This is the first of a series of major announcements we will have in the coming weeks, as a number of related but distinct matters on which we have been hard at work come to fruition. All are geared to the same broad objectives: Growing the site and developing exciting new content of the highest intellectual caliber. Stay tuned.

Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.