Lawfare News

Coming Tomorrow: Teaming Up with the New Republic

Benjamin Wittes
Monday, September 30, 2013, 7:22 AM
I am very excited to announce that tomorrow, we are launching a project with our friends at the New Republic to bring Lawfare content and writers to the New Republic's web site. Astute readers may have noticed that we have been sharing a certain amount of content with the New Republic over the past few weeks.

Published by The Lawfare Institute
in Cooperation With

I am very excited to announce that tomorrow, we are launching a project with our friends at the New Republic to bring Lawfare content and writers to the New Republic's web site. Astute readers may have noticed that we have been sharing a certain amount of content with the New Republic over the past few weeks. The partnership aims to build on this relationship, situating Lawfare's expertise in national security legal issues within the New Republic's broader policy focus. We are calling the project, which is being sponsored by the Northrop Grumman Corp., "Security States." It will involve both original content by Lawfare writers and cross-posted content from Lawfare to the New Republic site. Whenever we post original content to the New Republic, we will link to it from Lawfare. So expect to see a fair number of posts directing you over to the New Republic feed. This is a big opportunity for Lawfare to continue to grow and to do so in collaboration with a media organization for which I have the highest regard and with which a few of us have long relationships. Jack, as many readers know, writes book reviews for the New Republic. I used to write a column for its web site. It is a magazine I started reading in high school---the publication, actually, which inspired me to go into journalism and at which, as a college student and young freelance writer in Washington, I fervently desired to work. Its editor, Frank Foer, is an old friend. And when he suggested over coffee a few months ago that we join forces, we jumped at it. The result, coming tomorrow, is Security States, which we hope you will enjoy and visit often.

Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.