Lawfare News

Enhancing Our Social Networking Features

Benjamin Wittes
Friday, August 31, 2012, 8:12 AM

Last night and this morning, I did a little tinkering with Lawfare's social networking features--which actually drive a good deal of traffic to the site. According to Google Analytics, Facebook is far and away Lawfare's biggest single source of non-search traffic. Twitter is lower down the list, but still a significant source. To try to make better use of social networking as a way of spreading Lawfare's content more widely, I have enhanced somewhat the site's integration with these social networking services.

Published by The Lawfare Institute
in Cooperation With

Last night and this morning, I did a little tinkering with Lawfare's social networking features--which actually drive a good deal of traffic to the site. According to Google Analytics, Facebook is far and away Lawfare's biggest single source of non-search traffic. Twitter is lower down the list, but still a significant source. To try to make better use of social networking as a way of spreading Lawfare's content more widely, I have enhanced somewhat the site's integration with these social networking services. I have installed a more prominent Tweet button on each post--to make tweeting our content as effortless as possible. I have also put a new social networking feature on the sidebar: a "Recent Activity" box from Facebook that should allow users to see what Lawfare content their friends are sharing.

So please, profligately share our content on whatever social networking platforms you use:

Follow us on Twitter by clicking here:

Tweet our posts individually.

"Like" us on Facebook by clicking here:

And use the "Recommend" button at the bottom of posts to flag them for your friends.

Every time you do, you'll be spreading the word about Lawfare.

Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.