Lawfare News

Georgetown Event on "Shadow Wars"

Benjamin Wittes
Friday, April 13, 2012, 7:27 AM
This looks like a very interesting event:

The Georgetown Center on National Security and the Law

and the

Journal of National Security Law and Policy

Cordially invite you to a lively discussion of the Journal’s newly-published issue

"Shadow Wars"

Opening Remarks by

 William C. Banks

Published by The Lawfare Institute
in Cooperation With

This looks like a very interesting event:

The Georgetown Center on National Security and the Law

and the

Journal of National Security Law and Policy

Cordially invite you to a lively discussion of the Journal’s newly-published issue

"Shadow Wars"

Opening Remarks by

 William C. Banks

Editor-in-Chief, Journal of National Security Law & Policy

Board of Advisors Distinguished Professor, Syracuse University college of Law

Professor of Public Administration and International Affairs, Maxwell School of Syracuse University

Author of the Journal Article Shadow Wars

Featured authors and panelists:

Laura Dickinson

Professor of Law, The George Washington University Law School

Author of the Journal article Outsourcing Covert Activities

Louis Fisher

Scholar in Residence, The Constitution Project

Former Specialist in Constitutional Law, Library of Congress

Author of the Journal article Basic Principles of the War Power

John Prados

Senior Fellow and Co-Director of the Iraq Documentation Project

Director of the Vietnam Project at the national Security Archive at The George Washington University

Author of the Journal article The Continuing Quandary of Covert Operations

Scott Shane

National Security Reporter, Washington Bureau, The New York Times

moderated by

Laura Donohue

Associate Professor, Georgetown University Law Center

 3:30 pm

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hart Auditorium

Georgetown University Law Center

600 New Jersey Avenue

Washington, DC 20002

Reception To Follow

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Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.