Lawfare News

Lawfare Competition: Design Us a Logo

Benjamin Wittes
Wednesday, March 7, 2012, 7:12 AM
Okay, all you graphic designers out there: Lawfare needs a logo. We have these three online locations--our Twitter feed (which you should follow), our Facebook Page (which you should "like"), and our podcast (to which you should listen)--which all require a square image to represent Lawfare. Right now, each of these sites has a different image, none of which represents the blog well at all.

Published by The Lawfare Institute
in Cooperation With

Okay, all you graphic designers out there: Lawfare needs a logo. We have these three online locations--our Twitter feed (which you should follow), our Facebook Page (which you should "like"), and our podcast (to which you should listen)--which all require a square image to represent Lawfare. Right now, each of these sites has a different image, none of which represents the blog well at all. Twitter as a big, boring "L." Facebook actually displays the Wordpress logo with every post and otherwises uses a tiny version of our name. And the podcast shows, well, my license plate--which (thanks to Alice Beauheim) may be the height of cool, but is also a bit of an inside joke. Here at Lawfare, we have a lot of expertise, but it turns out that none of is has the faintest idea how to design anything. So we're crowd-sourcing this problem to you, our readership. We need a high resolution, square jpeg file of roughly 600 x 600 px. It needs to represent the blog somehow. It needs to be consistent with the simple, serious look of the site itself. Beyond that, we're open to ideas. I will display all plausible entries on the Facebook page for reader feedback and--in consultation with the Ruling Triumverate and assuming one seems appropriate for the site--select a winning entry. The Prize: One Very Limited Edition Lawfare T-Shirt and some other Lawfare swag.

Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.