Lawfare News

New Faces on Lawfare

Benjamin Wittes
Monday, May 9, 2011, 3:54 PM
As of today, we are adding two new faces to Lawfare to help Larkin with the many roles she plays keeping this place going. Larkin has made an enormous contribution at Lawfare, much of which readers can see and much of which readers cannot see. In this site's infancy, she has done everything from keeping track of and categorizing large numbers of litigations and litigation outcomes, to writing great analytical posts, to writing argument previews for D.C. Circuit cases, to writing accounts of D.C.

Published by The Lawfare Institute
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As of today, we are adding two new faces to Lawfare to help Larkin with the many roles she plays keeping this place going. Larkin has made an enormous contribution at Lawfare, much of which readers can see and much of which readers cannot see. In this site's infancy, she has done everything from keeping track of and categorizing large numbers of litigations and litigation outcomes, to writing great analytical posts, to writing argument previews for D.C. Circuit cases, to writing accounts of D.C. Circuit arguments. In the coming months, Wells Bennett and Raffaela Wakeman will both be taking on and expanding upon some of the work Larkin has been doing. For those of you who send us briefs and opinions for posting, Raffaela will be taking over the docketing posts and can be reached at Wells can be reached at, you guessed it,

Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.