Published by The Lawfare Institute
in Cooperation With

I am pleased to announce that yesterday, The Lawfare Institute---the organization that publishes Lawfare---filed its 501(c)(3) application with the IRS for tax exempt status as an educational organization. The application continues this site's development from a small small blog of three colleagues and friends into an online set of multimedia resources for a large and growing community devoted to national security legal policy. I'm taking the opportunity of this filing to remind readers that Lawfare is not free to produce. Our growth plans for the site, which include significantly enhanced content and programming, will require more staff and greater investment in technology. Please help us with this exciting new chapter.

As you think about your holiday and end-of-year giving plans, we ask that you keep Lawfare in mind and, if you use the site regularly, consider contributing to it. Our mailing address is: P.O. Box 33226, Washington DC 20033-3226. You can also contribute using credit cards or Paypal by clicking here.

If you are finding Lawfare useful in these times, please consider making a contribution to support what we do.

You can also support Lawfare by using our Amazon search box for all your searches on It appears in our sidebar, and the Lawfare Institute gets a percentage of all sales made through searches using that box. And, of course, please check out as well The Lawfare Store, where the true Lawfare obsessive can find our mugs and t-shirts.

Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.