Lawfare News

Today's Headlines and Commentary

Raffaela Wakeman
Monday, October 8, 2012, 11:34 AM

Over the weekend, Israel announced that it had shot down a drone that had penetrated its airspace.

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Over the weekend, Israel announced that it had shot down a drone that had penetrated its airspace. Here's John Villasenor over at Slate on the news' implications, Bloomberg with Israel's remarks, the AP on Israel's flyover over Lebanon in response, the New York Times story on Israel's flyover, and Guy Azriel of CNN with video of the drone being shot down:

Speaking of drones, there's a protest underway led by Pakistani politician Imram Khan along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. Here's Ishtiaq Mahsud of the AP, and Salman Masood of the New York Times on the protests.

Here's NPR’s Dina Temple-Raston's latest report on U.S. drone strike policy in Pakistan. She also reported today on Morning Edition on a start-up focusing on developing algorithms to find relationships between people and organizations with electronic data.

Amy O'Leary of the New York Times reports on one of the grants that DARPA has given out to California high schools to create hacker workspaces, also known as "hackerspaces."

Abu Hamza al-Masri made his first appearance in a U.S. court on Saturday after being extradited from the U.K. last week. Here's the AP's story and James Ball's in the Washington Post.

More details are coming to light regarding security in Benghazi in the lead-up to the attack on the U.S. embassy. The latest concerns Ambassador Stevens' wish that Special Forces units remain in Libya after their deployment was supposed to end in August. Here's Justin Sink of The Hill on interviews with the head of that Site Security Team that Ambassador Stevens and his staff wanted to stick around.

U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice responded formally to Republican Senators John McCain, Kelly Ayotte and Ron Johnson in a letter released last week. Here's Julian Pecquet of The Hill with the letter.

Here's a Washington Post editorial on the deteriorating situation in Mali.

Scotland Yard is looking into claims that British MI5 and MI6 officers knew that Shaker Aamer, a detainee who had lived in Britain, was being tortured by the U.S. The Daily Mail's Robert Verkaik reports.

Richard Brust of the ABA Journal writes on certain D.C. Circuit Court judges' objections to Boumediene.

Look out, undecided voters: Mitt Romney will be at the Virginia Military Institute speaking on foreign policy. Here’s Jerry Markon of the Washington Post, David Sanger of the Times, and the Financial Times on the speech, while AEI's Danielle Pletka has this op-ed in the New York Times urging Romney to clarify foreign policy aspects of his platform.

A Washington Post's editorial last week advocated for Congressional action (what does that look like again? It's been so long) to limit the use of the Alien Tort Statute.

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Raffaela Wakeman is a Senior Director at In-Q-Tel. She started her career at the Brookings Institution, where she spent five years conducting research on national security, election reform, and Congress. During this time she was also the Associate Editor of Lawfare. From there, Raffaela practiced law at the U.S. Department of Defense for four years, advising her clients on privacy and surveillance law, cybersecurity, and foreign liaison relationships. She departed DoD in 2019 to join the Majority Staff of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, where she oversaw the Intelligence Community’s science and technology portfolios, cybersecurity, and surveillance activities. She left HPSCI in May 2021 to join IQT. Raffaela received her BS and MS in Political Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2009 and her law degree from Georgetown University Law Center in 2015, where she was recognized for her commitment to public service with the Joyce Chiang Memorial Award. While at the Department of Defense, she was the inaugural recipient of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s General Counsel Award for exhibiting the highest standards of leadership, professional conduct, and integrity.