Lawfare News

WCL American University Program on Cyberwarfare and Law

Kenneth Anderson
Tuesday, November 6, 2012, 8:37 AM
If you are around DC on Thursday, November 8, and have an interest in cyberwarfare and law, the AU International Law Journal and National Security Law Brief are jointly presenting a program at Washington College of Law, American University - two panels plus a lunch speaker.  It's an outstanding lineup, not least because it features several Lawfare contributors and Friends of Lawfare on the panels.  The program starts with a panel on the much-discussed international law questions and cyberwarfare - including on the panel Paul Rosenzweig, Charles Barry, John Dehn, and Greg McNeal.

Published by The Lawfare Institute
in Cooperation With

If you are around DC on Thursday, November 8, and have an interest in cyberwarfare and law, the AU International Law Journal and National Security Law Brief are jointly presenting a program at Washington College of Law, American University - two panels plus a lunch speaker.  It's an outstanding lineup, not least because it features several Lawfare contributors and Friends of Lawfare on the panels.  The program starts with a panel on the much-discussed international law questions and cyberwarfare - including on the panel Paul Rosenzweig, Charles Barry, John Dehn, and Greg McNeal.  And then a second panel on the very interesting question of whether domestic law is sufficient to be able to address these threats, with Michelle Richardson, Jamil Jaffer, and Catherine Lotrionte.  Top that off with a lunch address by my Opinio Juris friend and colleague, Duncan Hollis of Temple University, introduced by Steve Vladeck.  Great topics, great lineup; CLE is available.  (Details and signup information are at this link; scroll down to Event Information and then select this program under the "choose" dropdown menu.  There might be video posted later, if so I'll add the link. Program details below the fold.)

Kenneth Anderson is a professor at Washington College of Law, American University; a visiting fellow of the Hoover Institution; and a non-resident senior fellow of the Brookings Institution. He writes on international law, the laws of war, weapons and technology, and national security; his most recent book, with Benjamin Wittes, is "Speaking the Law: The Obama Administration's Addresses on National Security Law."