Lawfare News

The Week That Was: All of Lawfare in One Post

Alex R. McQuade
Saturday, March 12, 2016, 10:10 AM

Benjamin Wittes shared a Trans-Atlantic town hall dialogue he participated in with Germans on data privacy.

Daniel Severson flagged how France has moved to require decryption capabilities in a counterterrorism bill designed to impose penalties on tech companies that fail to comply with the government in terrorism investigations.

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Benjamin Wittes shared a Trans-Atlantic town hall dialogue he participated in with Germans on data privacy.

Daniel Severson flagged how France has moved to require decryption capabilities in a counterterrorism bill designed to impose penalties on tech companies that fail to comply with the government in terrorism investigations.

Ben also linked us to the government’s response to Apple.

Michael Adams argued that the OPM hack is far worse than we can imagine.

Ben issued the latest Lawfare Podcast featuring an Apple vs. FBI discussion at the Wilson Center.

Stewart Baker released the latest edition of the Steptoe Cyberlaw Podcast, highlighting an interview with Jim Lewis and Alan Cohn.

Robert Chesney commented on airstrikes outside areas of active hostilities in regards to the airstrikes that killed more than 150 militants in Somalia. He then shared a new tactic for boots on the ground in Somalia: the “by, with, and through” strategy.

Bobby also provided us an update on U.S. detention operations in Erbil, Iraq. He also gave us a quick update on an ISIS detainee being transferred from the United States to Iraqi custody.

In Sunday’s Foreign Policy Essay, Jordan Tama outlined why strategic planning matters to national security.

Ben shared Lisa Monaco’s speech at the Council on Foreign Relations.

Nancy Okail and Mai El-Sadany reflected on today’s crackdown on Egyptian civil society.

Daniel Byman outlined the shifting U.S. interests in the Middle East.

Laura Dean released Dispatch #9: Idomeni, “Warehouse of Souls” and Dispatch #10: No Room for Everyday Grief of her series, Syria Displaced.

James Kraska and Raul Pedrozo argued that the U.S.-China arrangement for air-to-air encounters weakens international law.

Zack Bluestone shared the latest edition of Water Wars, showing that the U.S. has flexed its muscles in the South China Sea.

Ben also released the newest Rational Security, the “117 Experts Can’t Be Wrong” Edition.

Jack Goldsmith flagged that the ACLU has taken the first steps towards prepublication review reform.

Carrie Cordero welcomed Commander Scott Kelly home from his year long mission in space.

Jack also recommended a new book entitled Custom’s Future: International Law in a Changing World.

Cody Poplin brought us the latest recidivism numbers from Guantanamo.

And finally, Ben also suggested that DC readers donate to Lawfare because we annoy you less than WAMU does. You know it's true.

And that was the week that was

Alex McQuade was a national security intern at the Brookings Institution. He recently graduated with a master’s degree in Terrorism and Homeland Security Policy from American University. Alex holds a BA in National Security Studies and Justice and Law, also from American University.