Lawfare News

The Week that Was: All of Lawfare in One Post

Rishabh Bhandari
Saturday, August 13, 2016, 9:18 AM

Benjamin Wittes broke down the newly released “Drone Playbook” and why this is another sign that we need a morally serious president.

Robert Loeb notified us of a lawsuit that grieving parents of two fallen men at Benghazi have filed against Hillary Clinton.

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Benjamin Wittes broke down the newly released “Drone Playbook” and why this is another sign that we need a morally serious president.

Robert Loeb notified us of a lawsuit that grieving parents of two fallen men at Benghazi have filed against Hillary Clinton.

John Bellinger published an open letter that he and 49 other Republican senior foreign policy operatives signed declaring Donald Trump unfit for the presidency.

Matthew Wein categorically rejected Donald Trump’s proposal to ban Muslim immigrants as both immoral and a logistical nightmare.

Quinta Jurecic reviewed whether Trump’s recent proposal to try U.S. citizens in military courts would be considered constitutional.

Nicholas Weaver offered a few measures that the United States can adopt to enhance our electoral system’s resilience to potential cyberattacks.

Cody Poplin shone a spotlight on the new procedures which will govern how the Pentagon collects intelligence.

Seamus Hughes urged law enforcement officials not to exaggerate the extent to which the Islamic State relies on social media to recruit operatives.

Ben also kept us in the loop as Twitter won a first-round legal victory in an important case regarding whether CDA § 230 immunizes the company against civil lawsuits over its provision of service to terrorist groups.

Paul Rosenzweig reported on a newly discovered malware program that infected government and military systems in Rwanda, Iran, and Russia. He also highlighted a number of other important developments in the cybersecurity community that similarly warrant further attention. Paul also noted how the encryption debate may intensify again after researchers found a security key that protected Microsoft devices.

Speaking of encryption, Matt Tait closely examined a high-profile speech delivered by Ivan Krstic, a key Apple official, at a recent Las Vegas conference to tease out some important implications for the privacy and national security communities.

Marshall Erwin and Urmika Shah analyzed a series of recent remote hacking cases to understand how this could affect Mozilla customers and the typical Internet user more broadly.

Toby Levy reassured us on our privacy concerns vis-à-vis the cultural phenomenon that is Pokemon Go.

David Kris reflected on a recent trip he took to Israel to understand how a very different national security culture operates.

Michael Knapp pointed out that Russia is moving through legal channels to expand its footprint in the Arctic.

Rishabh Bhandari concluded that the $1.7 billion U.S.-Iranian financial settlement has become a Rorschach test for how you view the Iran Nuclear Deal.

He and Cody Poplin also explored why Islamic extremists have targeted the judicial and legal community in Pakistan—the victims of two heinous terrorist attacks in the past week.

Sarah Yerkes documented the considerable challenges that Tunisia’s Prime Minister-designate will face in the coming months as the leader of the only democratically-elected government in the Arab world.

Quinta also posted the newest Lawfare Podcast, wherein CIA Director John Brennan joined Brookings senior fellow Bruce Riedel to discuss the future challenges facing the Agency.

And that was the week that was.

Rishabh Bhandari graduated from Yale College with degrees in History and Global Affairs. His senior thesis focused on the decision making of the Nixon administration in response to the 1971 Bengali Genocide. He is pursuing a doctorate in international relations at Oxford University.