Lawfare News

A Technical Update

Benjamin Wittes
Wednesday, August 28, 2013, 10:58 AM
Many thanks to everyone who expressed concern, offered assistance, and donated funds to help us resolve our recent technical problems. I'm pleased---and very relieved---to announce that as of yesterday, Lawfare is no longer hosted on Bluehost servers. We are now being hosted by Blue Water Media, which is also handling our technical management. The site will, I hope, run quickly and reliably from here on in.

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Many thanks to everyone who expressed concern, offered assistance, and donated funds to help us resolve our recent technical problems. I'm pleased---and very relieved---to announce that as of yesterday, Lawfare is no longer hosted on Bluehost servers. We are now being hosted by Blue Water Media, which is also handling our technical management. The site will, I hope, run quickly and reliably from here on in. As I write these words, according to Google Analytics, 56 people are reading Lawfare on three continents, and the site is running fast and well, at least on my computer. I'm apparently not the only one. I just got a text from friend saying that "Lawfare is loading more quickly this morning than any other time this year, both on my desktop and on my iPhone. Really nice." In other words, so far, so good. It turns out, incidentally, that we are not the only site in our subject matter ambit that has had problems with Bluehost. Robert Farley of the Lawyers, Guns, and Money site posted the following last week: "If you follow Lawfare (and you should, even if you bitterly disagree with their perspective), you may note that they’ve been suffering some of the same problems that afflicted LGM during our transition to WordPress. Indeed, the source of their troubles is the very same hosting service that was most problematic for us." The emptywheel site has also had stability problems with Bluehost, including yesterday, when Marcy Wheeler tweeted in response to a slowdown on her site: "Did @benjaminwittes and @lawfareblog crash Bluehost again?" I would like to crash Bluehost, but I will refrain---if only to prevent emptywheel from becoming collateral damage. I'm just glad that Bluehost can no longer crash us.

Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books.

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