The Lawfare Podcast: Understanding the Legal Decision that Ended the Mask Mandate and What Comes Next
Cybersecurity and the ‘Good Cause’ Exception to the APA
In emergencies, federal agencies can avoid cumbersome rulemaking procedures. Uses of the “good cause” exception following 9/11 and the outbreak of the coronavirus offer insights relevant to the current c... -
Platform Transparency Legislation: The Whos, Whats and Hows
Congress is considering major proposals that seek to provide greater transparency from social media companies. -
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion. -
The Lawfare Podcast: The Professionalization of Content Moderation
Joint Declaration for the "Future of the Internet"
More than 50 democratic countries and partners launched their unified commitment towards promoting an open, global internet for all. -
The Chatter Podcast: “The Day After” with Nicholas Meyer
This week on Chatter, Shane Harris speaks to filmmaker Nicholas Meyer about the renewed threat of nuclear war amid the conflict in Ukraine. -
Governing Platforms Through Apple’s App Store in the U.S. and China
The tools governments use to regulate behavior online are very similar, even in countries as seemingly dissimilar as the United States and China, but what differs is the incentive structures they create. -
Why Steve Bannon’s Contempt Prosecution Revolves Around His Attorney, Robert J. Costello
Robert Costello and two co-counsel have now moved to dismiss the charges against Bannon based on a series of internal Department of Justice memoranda that stretch back decades. -
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion. -
Time for a U.N. Peace Enforcement Operation in Northern Ukraine?
A cease-fire and peace enforcement operation in areas from which the Russians have retreated would certainly not be easy but could be an initial step toward a collective path forward. -
The Cyberlaw Podcast: Have Facebook And Google Cornered The Market on Antitrust Troubles?
Rational Security 2.0: The 'In Lieu of Q' Edition
The Lawfare Podcast: Finlandization’s Harsh Realities, with Antti Ruokonen
Artificial Intelligence and Chemical and Biological Weapons
The pharmaceutical industry is using artificial intelligence to discover new beneficial drugs, but this new tool also presents the possibility for the creation of new catastrophic biological and chemica... -
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion. -
The Lawfare Podcast: Vladislav Davidzon with a Dispatch from Odessa
Giving Russian Assets to Ukraine—Freezing Is Not Seizing
What the executive branch should not do is pretend that Russia’s money can be used to provide material support to Ukraine in the face of existing legal barriers. -
What Does Starlink’s Participation in Ukrainian Defense Reveal About U.S. Space Policy?
Is America’s National Space Policy postured to control non-state actors in space? -
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion.
More Articles
The Situation: The Full-Scale Situation Two Months In
How is it going? -
How Drones Make Civil Wars Worse
The proliferation of drone technology has made civil wars longer, deadlier, easier to start, and more difficult to end. -
The Week That Was
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