The National Security Law Podcast: This Podcast Does Not Constitute Legal Advice
The latest episode of the National Security Law Podcast. -
ODNI Releases Threat Assessment for 2022
The report is intended to present the most direct and serious threats to the United States during 2022. -
The Lawfare Podcast: A Conversation with a Refugee Law Student from Kharkiv
U.S. Cyber Command’s Annual Legal Conference
A very timely opportunity: Cyber Command’s annual legal conference is online for all to see this Thursday, March 10, 2022. -
The Seizure of A Russian Merchant Vessel Raises Questions About Neutrality
During armed conflict, can neutral states seize belligerent merchant vessels on the high seas and retain their neutral status? -
The Open App Markets Bill Moves Out of the Senate Judiciary Committee
Some upgrades might be in order as it moves to the Senate floor. -
What If Trump Were Still the President?
Because Donald Trump had the good fortune of avoiding a major foreign-policy crisis during his four years in office, the United States never experienced the worst-case scenario of a Trump presidency. -
The Cyberlaw Podcast: A Digital Curtain Descends Across Europe
ChinaTalk: Xi-Putin Relations and the View From Riga
Una Aleksandra Bērziņa-Čerenkova, Head of Riga Stradins University China Studies Centre, Head of the Asia program at the Latvian Institute of International Affairs, and a member of the European Think tan... -
ChinaTalk: How Eastern Europe Sees China and The War in Ukraine
Matej Šimalčík, Executive Director of the Central European Institute of Asian Studies, joins from Bratislava. -
TechTank: Civil Rights and Artificial Intelligence: Can the Two Concepts Coexist?
The latest episode of TechTank. -
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion. -
The Lawfare Podcast: Russia’s Ukraine Operation One Week In
Does Foreign Sovereign Immunity Apply to Sanctions on Central Banks?
The relationship between foreign sovereign immunity and sanctions against central banks is important but often mischaracterized. -
The Week That Will Be
Lawfare's weekly roundup of event announcements and employment opportunities. -
What to Make of Microsoft’s Year in Cybersecurity
Microsoft simultaneously combats, profits from and contributes to cybersecurity problems. -
Lawfare Live: The Aftermath Episode 2 Q&A
Natalie Orpett, Rohini Kurup, Ian Enright, and Benjamin Wittes discuss Lawfareand Goat Rodeo’s new podcast series "The Aftermath." -
The Week That Was: All of Lawfare in One Post
Your weekly summary of everything on the site. -
Foreign Fighters and Fellow Travelers: Right-Wing Extremism in Australia and the United States
White nationalism has a long history in Austrailia that has been reinforced by transnational ties to extremist groups in the United States. -
The Aftermath, Episode 2: Scattered to the Four Winds
After the Jan. 6 insurrection, all the suspects were allowed to go home—setting up the biggest criminal investigation in the FBI’s history.
More Articles
The Narrative Purpose of Climate Change Litigation
Why the highly coveted courtroom win is not the only path to victory for climate case campaigners. -
Escalation: A Podcast History of U.S.-Ukraine Relations Event
Watch the discussion. -
Escalation: The Worst of Both Worlds
Listen to the fourth episode of Escalation, a narrative podcast on U.S.-Ukraine relations.