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A proposed coronavirus commission could provide a fuller picture of the government’s response to the pandemic. But its success depends on how it is staffed.
The terrorist attack on the Khobar Towers was the bloodiest attack on America between the Beirut Marine barracks disaster in 1983 and September 11, 2001. Its legacy still haunts Washington’s relations wi...
Promoting regional interdependence through U.S. partners might give Southeast Asian countries more policy independence from Washington, but will also make them more resilient to Chinese influence.
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Of the 144 reports of unidentified aerial phenomena through government channels, 143 could not be definitively traced back to a source.
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion.
The offense of sedition, introduced by the colonial British government to criminalize dissent, continues to be on India’s statute books 70 years after independence. It’s time for India’s Supreme Court to...
President Biden’s June 15 summit meeting in Brussels with EU leadership put cooperation on technology and trade at the forefront of the transatlantic relationship, but it did not yield a breakthrough in ...
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion.
The Associated Press reported that the Russian military claimed one of its warships had fired warning shots in front of the HMS Defender after the British destroyer ignored a warning that it would be fir...
The U.S. government has rightfully identified the People’s Republic of China as an adversary intent on stealing technology for its national interests, and the Department of Justice established the China ...
It's well known the code is buggy; that's why software updates for anything from apps to operating systems are now the norm. But if the public understands this, the courts have not followed suit.