On Friday, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court authorized the extension of the NSA's collection of bulk telephony metadata under Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act until November 29th, 2015—the l...
The panel's ruling in the challenge brought by Larry Klayman and others was split.
A quick Per Curiam order explains that the challenge to the NSA's bulk telephony metadata collection is not moot.
Last week, the Pentagon released a new Asia-Pacific Maritime Security Strategy document outlining the Department's plan for ensuring the freedom of the seas and the broader security of the region. While ...
The academic journal Perspectives on Terrorism has released its latest issue, which focuses on the rise of ISIS. With features from a host of jihadist and terrorism experts, including Lawfare contributor...
Two dozen plaintiffs filed suit yesterday in the U.S. District Court of the Southern District of New York to enjoin the Obama administration from releasing an estimated $100 billion in frozen Iranian ass...
Click here for the original content.
Below you'll find the text of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action---the much-anticipated nuclear deal which Iran and six other nations apparently concluded earlier this morning.
Joint Comprehensi...
A little over a week ago, the law firm Sidley Austin LLP submitted its "Independent Review Relating to APA Ethics Guidelines, National Security Interrogations, and Torture" to the APA Board of Directors....
Yesterday, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey unveiled the the Pentagon's new 2015 National Military Strategy. Revising the 2011 National Military Strategy, General Dempsey indi...
Here is the summer 2015 supplement for my casebook (with Curtis Bradley), Foreign Relations Law: Cases and Materials (5th ed. 2014). This supplement contains, among other things, an excerpt of (and Not...
Click here for the original post.
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The Central Intelligence Agency has released five newly declassified documents. The release states that each document related to a 2005 Office of Inspector General (OIG) report examing the Agency's accou...